From Salem, OR, we have this funky masterpiece delivered by Wild Ire with their new song “Dirty Hands”. This song has every element of talent and fantastic songwriting! The song starts off with a groovy drum beat that then quickly introduces what sounds like the funkiest bass lick of the year, but also well-timed and placed. The vocal delivery in “Dirty Hands” is brought to us by lead singer Jacob Mayes and it’s served up fresh! The song “Dirty hands” is an overall feel-good track, with endorphin popping melodies and musical performances. Vocally, Jacob can be described as a high pitched singer who has incredible range but cannot be directly compared to any other singers, really. But, honestly, I’m sure that is just fine with this one of a kind band!
The second verse, Jacob almost starts rapping, the super-fast vocals just prove how talented this guy is! The guitar work is also super funky and compliments everything else that is happening with this song. The production is also amazing, whoever produced and mixed this track can definitely be praised up and down, and I’m sure it is playing a significant role in helping develop the sound of Wild Ire. By the end of “Dirty Hands”, you are definitely ready for more by Wild Ire! Make sure you listen to these guys today and follow them on social media for updates.
Listen to "Dirty Hands" here.

Thanks for being with us today at Buzz Music Wild Ire! “Dirty Hands” has a lot of funk influence on it! Who would you say are some artists that sonically influenced what you’re doing?
When creating the song it mainly started out as a jam of the main guitar riff. There’s a lot of jazz within the chord structure. When it came to the drumming we really wanted to emulate that James Brown funk aspect his drummers would give; along with a modern twist on lo-fi beats that we’re big fans of.
Who is the producer of "Dirty Hands" and do you feel like they have an impact on your sound and songwriting?
We don’t have a producer. We have an engineer that we work with. His name is Jason Carter of wavelength studios he has recorded and mixed a majority of our records. He’s come to know our sound and thoughts on where we like to take our music. In that sense, he’s become very much an honorary part of the band.
Vocally, where did you find the influence to lay down an almost rap part in the second verse?
There is a lot of hip hop influence on the vocal aspect. A majority of our lyrics are written by our guitar player Jesse who paints usually a vague emotion-driven picture. With this one, the lyrics were written by Jake our lead vocalist. He had very much a clear cut story for Dirty Hands. Something where the listener could gravitate towards.
If you guys could work with any other artist, who would it be and why?
We have a list of artists that we’d love to work with. One of our biggest influences as a band is Incubus. A majority of the mass knows that band for their hit records. But, they are very much like us, in the aspect of genre-bending. Polyphia is a great artist we would love to collaborate with along with Maroon 5. Our sounds really bounce off a lot of the edges of these bands with our own touch.
When can we expect more new music from you? What's next for Wile Ire in 2020?
New music is coming soon! And very soon in fact. We don’t want to get too ahead of ourselves but you can most likely expect a full record in the upcoming future. Think maybe spring or summertime to hear some more Wild Ire. As for the next year, we go to NAMM in January which will be one of our first big trips as a band to another state. Which we hope in the next year to continue. More music, videos and bigger shows await!