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Vibe Out to Body Salt’s Latest Release “Just Want to Know"


Catching the waves from San Diego is the electronic duo Body Salt, consisting of members Ezekiel Morphis and Jonathon Bruhin.

Body Salt sets out to create soulful music that gets the listeners dancing. Body Salt’s music focuses on powerful lyric writing, rhythmic groovy drums, and deep bass to create an unforgettable music experience that will have you screaming for more. Keeping the energy up during their live shows, Bod Salt is guaranteed to leave an impression on the listener.

With Body Salt’s latest release “Just Want to Know” already leaving an impression on us, we can’t help but talk about how this chill tune had us floating above the clouds.

Opening up with a calm piano progression along with an intimate vocal performance that shifts between being more electronic and organic, “Just Want to Know” has a bit of a beautiful aesthetic to it, especially when the chorus hits. The chorus completely lives the song as the vocals switch to a falsetto singing style that is accompanied by a hooky synth motif that sits overtop of a patient but driving drum groove and a low subby bass. “Just Want to Know” is one of those tunes that you will be able to play at any time of day and we cannot wait to hear what else will be coming from Body Salt.

You can find “Just Want to Know” here.

Hello Body Salt, and welcome to BuzzMusic. We were so touched listening to your latest release “Just Want To Know." What feelings did you want the listener to experience while enjoying this song? We wanted to convey an honest sense of care, consideration, and connection to those we love with this song while bringing the listener through landscapes and nostalgic places. As with all songs we also want the listener to discover the secrets within the song as their own to keep and to explore their own longings and love etc.

“Just Want To Know" has such a full soundscape of glorious layers of sound. What is your process like for constructing these vibrant worlds of sound? We work very hard to understand the story behind the song in order to paint an equally poignant picture with our instrumentation and words. In this song, we leaned heavily on layers of analog instruments to give us the ethereal yet organic sound we wanted. We also do a lot of custom sound designing to bring things to life that has never existed. We always take full advantage of vocal layers and harmonies as well to keep the human element present.

How has the music community of San Diego enhanced your music?

Being in a community like San Diego has encouraged us to create something unique and progressive. San Diego had a real attachment to a few specific genres and time periods that we like, but it has helped inspire us to develop something outside of these boxes that is both new and authentic.

How has your music evolved from where you started as a band? We’ve gotten much better at creating together and collaborating in unison. It’s also taken us a long time to master a lot of the technical aspects of song creation and production that allow us to not outsource a lot and maintain creative control over all of our projects.

What's next for Body Salt? We’re trying to get our music to as many people as we possibly can. We believe in what we’re doing and we are relentless about getting it to more people. For us that looks like promoting non-stop, finishing as much music as we can, and hopefully touring soon.


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