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Unwind With Gwyn Love's, "Sh*t I Like"

Hailing from small-town Oklahoma, Gwyn Love’s sound is anything but small. With her smooth variety of electro-pop, which is bold yet sultry, including a whisper of contemporary R&B, Gwyn Love caught the attention of 604 Records, becoming their first U.S signing.

Born into a conservative family with eight siblings, Gwyn Love was introduced to music at a young age; picking up the cello at just 5-years-old and writing her first song at 11. Over the past decade, her sound has continued to evolve to become uniquely her own as she blends what the artist describes as a punk mentality with an electronic-pop vibe.

Her latest sonic and visualizer release for the single, “Sh*t I Like,” follows the launch of her debut EP, ‘At First Blush.’ Introducing us to a reverberated soundscape that elusively flows through entrancing elements, the infectious grooves emanating from this record immediately pull you into the grander scheme of all the things that spark joy in the emerging artist’s life.

Gwyn Love carries a unique tone to her smoldering timbres that have you intrigued by her boisterous persona. The pulsating instrumentation coincides with her inimitable croons that propel the nature of this composition into the realm of a mainstream club banger, while still embodying the exclusive feel of an artist on the come up.

Producer extraordinaire, La+ch, ultimately gives “Sh*t I Like,” that indulgent vivacity that has you finding yourself unable to sit still as you take it in. We personally couldn’t think of a better musical structure to match the positive essence of Gwyn Love’s lyrical motifs as she consecutively lists off the things she enjoys.

Written when she was at her Airbnb in Vancouver, Canada, the idea naturally came to her as she began to think of things she could do to relax as the overwhelming stress of being somewhere outside of her home recording music had her feeling troubled and feeling the pressure of artistry.

Through a brilliant sonic voyage, and the undeniable appeal of her craft, Gwyn Love proves exactly why she continues to garner the attention that she is.

Welcome to BuzzMusic, GwynLove, congratulations on the release of “Sh*t I Like.” We think the whole concept and execution of this track really hits home. How did you know that listing the things you’d want to indulge in for relaxation, would make a hit song?

To be honest, I just wrote this song for fun! I figured it might put my mind at ease to just write a fun song about the shit I like and not stress about the lyrics too much. After I wrote the first verse and chorus I realized that it was actually pretty dope and I wanted to bring it into the studio the next day.

What was it like working with La+ch in order to bring this vision to life? Was this the first time that you two have worked together?

I had worked with La+ch before this, we recorded an EP together. I felt like he would really understand the way I wanted this song to sound so I hit him up and he absolutely slayed it.

How did that trip to Vancouver end up turning out? Did you find that channeling the optimism changed your perspective towards where you were, and what you were there to do?

For sure, I recorded this song the next day in the studio and listened to it every day on my walk to the studio to get me in the right headspace and it totally worked. I was more stoked about this song than any other song I had written during those two weeks.

What are some words of wisdom that you’d like to offer up to any creatives who may be feeling overwhelmed, or the pressure to do it all?

It is so important to give yourself days to relax and to really experience and enjoy life. You don’t have to be writing and creating all the time. If it starts to feel like a chore, that’s when you know it is time to give yourself space to just experience life. It can really change your perspective and help your writing.


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