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Ultraviolet Communication Debuts an Exciting New Tune, "Fever Dream"

Ultraviolet Communication is a three-piece Alternative Rock band based out of Arizona. Since the band's formation in 2017, they have played an abundant amount of live shows and released their debut album 'Capacity for Illusion' in January 2020.

Ultraviolet Communication recently released their energetic new single "Fever Dream" and it's a dynamic fun tune that you'd regret missing. This release features airy ambient guitars, sparking drums with thundering toms, a bass that almost growls at you, and a smooth vocal that has a flair of nostalgia to it. "Fever Dream" opens up with an attention-grabbing, almost lo-fi guitar before the whole band hits you at once and leads straight into the verse.

The vocal performance of "Fever Dream" is incredibly smooth and has a beautiful laid back airiness to them that keeps them both ambient and energetic. The structure of this record is quite unique; the pre-chorus section takes the energy of the song down and introduces a jamming tambourine with thundering drums, followed by a singing guitar solo that leads perfectly into a memorable vocal melody that hits you with the chorus. After another exciting guitar solo, "Fever Dream" pivots back into the ambient pre-chorus before hitting you with a beautiful closing chorus. This is an addictive song that everybody will be able to relate to.

Stream "Fever Dream" on Spotify here and connect with Ultraviolet Communication on social media below.


When it comes down to lyric, instrumental and musical ideas, is there one person the takes charge of that in the band, or is it a collective view?

It is always a collective effort when working on any ideas for the project. The origins of a song vary from song to song because we all compose in one form or another. Sometimes one of us will write a whole song with music and lyrics and we will all work on the arrangement together. Other times, somebody will bring a musical idea with little to no lyrics and we will work on parts of it separately, in pairs, or all together.

When trying to break out into a musical genre with really unique and unheard content, what is the hardest thing about trying to get noticed and being placed onto a popular playlist?

The hardest thing is finding a balance between not compromising our artistic vision while still making music that a casual listener can enjoy. Our main goal is always to make the kind of music that we want to listen to and we feel that by doing so we present the listener with the most genuine and accurate version of ourselves. If we concerned ourselves too much with being noticed and making the most accessible music, we would probably just get lost in the shuffle and never stand out.

You guys have a lot of projects out, which by the way is very impressive.  Do you guys like to do a lot of live shows, and do you have any funny stories from them?

Thank you! And yes, we try to play live as often as we can. If we could play a show every day, we would. One time at a show, just as we were setting up, minutes before showtime, our percussionist, Lee, had a glass of water on the ground beside him. Our bass player, Matt, accidentally knocked it over while setting up his amplifier, and the entire glass spilled into a hole that ran down underneath the stage. It was occupied by several cables that were crucial connections to the sound system. The two looked at each other in horror after the tragedy occurred and they began laughing hysterically in fear. Our guitar player, Josiah, missed all of this and asked what was so funny, and the others responded "Don't worry about it, man. We'll tell you later." The show went on without any complications and we all had a good laugh about it later because the chances of that happening were slim to none.

I know it is kind of hard for a band to collaborate with other bands, but it has been done.  Would you ever be interested in featuring on another band’s song or vice-versa?

It's kinda hard to say whether or not we would. We definitely are not opposed to the idea, but at the moment we are not really actively seeking out any possible collaborations.

What can we expect to see next from you throughout 2020?

We are going to continue to write new music and play live as often as we can. If everything goes according to plan, we would like to hit the road to tour our record Capacity for Illusion and hopefully even get back into the studio to record a follow-up LP.



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