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The Alternating Currents Bend Genres With New Track “Invasive Daisies”

Writer's picture: BUZZ LABUZZ LA

The Alternating Currents are a Post-Punk, Psych, Art-Rock group from Oakland, California. The band consists of outsider-folk musician Ruben Diaz as key songwriter and vocalist, Augustus DeVandry on Lead Guitar, Eric Park on Bass, and Joe Miller on Drums. Originally formed in 2016 with just Diaz and Miller, The Alternating Currents have fortified their sound with DeVandry and Park to become an established collective. Some have said that the band is “post everything,” supplying a thread between popular and experimental music with their expansive songwriting. The Alternating Currents are supporting their first 7” single “Invasive Daisies/Kingdom How” available through RERERERE Records, as well as their first music video for ‘Invasive Daisies,’ Directed and Edited by Matt Robeson (White Light Prism). The band’s first full length album, entitled “NUN”, is due in Fall 2019.

The Alternating Currents have blown my mind with the groovy, bluesy, dirty track “Invasive Daisies”. High energy from beginning to end,“Invasive Daisies” is a timeless hit. DeVandry provides howling, ravenous guitar. Diaz stuns with practically ethrael vocals, Park holds down the low end with thunderous bass, and Miller provides earth quaking drums of the highest magnitude. With precise lyricism and a rhythm section throwing down tight grooves it’s hard to believe the band is only four guys. Upbeat and addicting, “Invasive Daisies” is a song that anyone can listen and relate to, or just jam out to. The song gives off an old school funk vibe, while still keeping things psychedelic and modern. It’s hypnotizing rhythm keeps your interest, while the lyrics let your mind wander. The guitar chords are spectacular throughout, the drumming is precise with hard hitting high hats and the groundbreaking sound of Ruben’s vocals will have you craving more. 

Listen to “Invasive Daisies” here and read more below in our exclusive interview!

Hi guys! How did you come up with the name The Alternating Currents? How did you all meet?

The Alternating Currents came to us because it fit our puzzle in so many perfect ways. Originally the band was alternating in members and instrumentation, while it also fit in the unsettled syncopation of rhythm that we try to achieve in our own unique way. In the most direct relationship, Ruben and Augustus are very involved in electrical engineering and experimenting with our equipment.The band exists like Nicola Tesla believed, we are all awash in a great sea of Alternating Currents in varying spectrums, and we are but antennas and conduits receiving transmission. We all met through different groups we’ve been playing around with over the past 10 years or so, sometimes cross pollinating but always remaining friends with a deep respect for each other’s musical sensibility. Ruben and Joe started the nucleus of The Alternating Currents playing as a duo when Joe began playing drums during one of Ruben’s solo shows. Augustus was living at the house where they would rehearse and was absorbed into the band by melodies he’d been building to develop the sound further. Eric joined to fill in for the first bassist, and stayed in when it was apparent that his contribution layered the songs with a perfectly memorable and hypnotic drive.

When you’re not making music, what do you all do?

When we’re not making music, Ruben works on instrument and amplifier repair as well as additional work in illustration and Art Direction. Augustus works on electric mechanical projects, modifying and building guitars, effects pedals and guitar amplifiers while also studying fitness and physical healing. Eric spends his extra time performing with his other project Fuckwolf as well as being a session musician and caring for dogs. Joe spends his time working in the cannabis industry and building woodworking projects.

Can you tell us about the meaning behind the lyrics in “Invasive Daisies”? What inspired this song?

Invasive Daisies was inspired by daisies that my fiancé pointed out growing outside of our bedroom window. They were so delicate and beautiful in subtle purple, white and yellow, with such foreboding associations of death and ‘pushing up daisies.’ I couldn’t help but attach the flowers to an aggressive and unbalanced meditation of passing on. The song Invasive Daisies is a lifetime, pulled through landscapes and situations symbolized by flower varieties and inorganic relationships. The song crawls into your bedroom takes you for a ride through a macabre life and leaves you underground, to be usurped by daisies in search of a desperate catharsis in the Bardo. Ultimately blossoming again and spreading like a beautiful virus.

What’s the main theme of your upcoming album “NUN”?

The main theme of ‘NUN’ is death and rebirth. It was written over a very challenging time in my life where I lost a great number of loved ones and mentors. It’s about a mercurial group of work pushing reflection, introspection, growth and appreciation for a life as tumultuous as is necessary for growth. NUN is the Egyptian god which represents the primeval watery mass surrounding the world from which at creation, all life sprang. Noon is a warrior who’s glass is half full, blazing with strength and potential, the farthest part of the day from either end. I suppose in summary, the record is about embracing the potential and that hard times pull out of you.

What other bands would you compare your genre of music to? 

We would compare our music to The Talking Heads, Smashing Pumpkins, Televisión, David Bowie, CAN, Captain Beefheart, The Flaming Lips, The Velvet Underground, Syd Barrett, and Brian Eno. We’re focused on genre expanding as much as possible but often are called a post-punk, psych, art-rock outfit.


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