South for Winter is a folk, blues, classical band from New Zealand and Michigan who just released a single that is heavy with feeling called “Devil is A‘Calling.” Nick Stone, Coloradan Dani Cichon, and Alex Stradel formed their band 2 years ago and has since been skyrocketing through the music industry. South for Winter was nominated for Rising Artist by Lightning 100 (Nashville’s top independent radio station) and a “Most Wanted” artist by Falcon Ridge Festival. The lyrical tone of “Devil is A‘Calling” is very serious and metaphorical. South for Winter uses a devil analogy to paint a vivid picture. The intensity of the song is propelled by the tidal wave that is the instrumental background. The introduction and background of “Devil is A‘Calling” has “old western movie” connotations. It has long, steady notes from a bass guitar combined with slow-paced drumming that increases in vigor as the song proceeds. The powerful female vocals are sung with ferocity, driving home the real emotion of the song. Towards the end of the “Devil is A‘Calling” a man joins the chorus in a passionate harmony. South for Winter striped down their boundaries and poured their emotion and fervor into the song “Devil is A‘Calling.” We look forward to seeing more soul-provoking songs from South for Winter; they are set to release their debut album in summer 2020.
Listen to “Devil is A‘Calling” here.