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Shane Davis Honors the World of Classic Rock with “Let Go”

From Huntsville, Alabama, Shane Davis is a multitalented Singer and Songwriter who has just released a track “Let Go” that will bring back nostalgic memories of the Classic Rock era.

This year, he gathered a few of his friends, now called the Shane Davis Group, to help create a self-titled album from his solo material. Izzy Miller brings the soul with her bass skills, Alex Reynolds shreds the electric guitar, and Shaun Bloodsworth is the beating heart of the group on the drums.

Opening with strums of an electric guitar comparable to the style of Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band, Shane Davis introduces his fans to his Classic Rock musical persona. With its sturdy bass guitar, playful electric guitar, and sparse slams of cymbals and high hats, the background instrumentation of “Let Go” stays true to the time-honored characteristic of feel-good Rock and Roll.

The chorus of “Let Go” is one that could stand the test of time. Shane Davis has kept the melody catchy, yet attainable for fans across the globe to easily sing along to. The bone-chilling guitar riffs give “Let Go” its uniqueness within the Classic Rock industry by adding a sizzling heat to the whole track. The percussion mirrors the dynamic energy of the song; the drummer holds back at the right times and creates a thumping beat during passionate moments.

Shane Davis gives Classic Rock lovers another reason to adore this song with its charismatic instrumental sections that genuinely showcase the group’s many intrinsic musical talents.

The nostalgia hit hard and brought us back to the days of feel-good Classic Rock when we listened to “Let Go.” What was your inspiration for this song?

I was actually in the shower humming a melody, and the first line popped into my head, and I thought maybe I have something here. I ended up writing the entire first verse in the shower so I hopped out to grab a guitar. When I got the guitar the riff just materialized, and within a few minutes, I had the song written. A lot of my songs come to me at the moment. Could you elaborate on the message behind your lyrics for “Let Go?”

I wrote the rest of the lyrics to relate to holding on to things that might be holding you back or might end up being detrimental if you don't let them go. I guess it was inspired by how sometimes we hold on to things thinking that we can't let go of whatever it is we are holding on to, only to stop and look at the situation and realize that we will be better off letting go.

How does “Let Go” compare to the rest of the songs on your new, self-titled album?

"Let Go" is probably the most upbeat song on the album. I also think it's the shortest song on the album. Can you tell us about your collaboration as The Shane Davis Group?

The Shane Davis Group started because I had a bunch of material that I didn't think fit stylistically into my other band the Black Market Salesmen. I really wanted to perform these songs in a group so I got together with some friends and put the group together. The Shane Davis Group is fairly collaborative with everyone given a lot of freedom in coming up with their own parts. Going forward my next releases will be credited to the Shane Davis Group. What can we expect to see next from you as we enter a new year?

I plan to start recording again in January and hopefully can tour sometime in the coming year, but with everything that's going on in the world, we will have to wait and see if that will be feasible.


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