Shining a light on the up and coming talents of Dre Day 100, he pairs his sizzling hunger with a wide register of records and collaborations. His musicality glistens brightly and captures the ears of his briskly growing fan base. Through intense lyricism and catchy melodic hooks, he fuses old school Hip-hop elements with the modern new wave that stays turning heads.
Dipping his pen into yet another hard-hitting anthem, Dre Day 100 release, “Rollin Wit Da Real.” Collaborating with the only carmabeats on the old school highs of the nostalgic instrumentation pulsating through your speakers, we’re excited for the weighty edge that “Rollin Wit Da Real” holds. With unmatched energy, we’re wedged in between a lyrical dexterity that rings bells and a production quality that reigns top tier. You can’t help but to roll down your windows and turn the volume up on this intoxicating banger. You’re easily gassed up by the witty quips and mesmerizing expressions showcased by Dre Day 100 as we peek into his creative lens.
Carrying substantial components of anticipation throughout each note exuded, the manner in which Dre Day 100’s vocalization hits takes the cake on this track. His dominant presence is unmatched as he radiates a boisterous ambiance in an atmosphere that is perfectly tailored to his larger than life persona. Zesting his slick cadences with flawlessly placed ad-libs, Dre Day 100 has us learning each word to his songs so we can rap along without missing a beat. Pulling his audience in with an alluring sense of indulgence, Dre Day 100 has done it again with “Rollin Wit Da Real.”
Let’s focus on the creative process of, “Rollin Wit Da Real.” What went into the creation of bringing this track to life?
During the summer one night I was listening to some beats and I stumbled across this one. Right then and there my mind, body, and soul were sucked into the instrumental. The classic west coast sound connected with my love and inspiration of classic west coast music and the elements around it. Elements like lowriders doing three-wheel motions on a hot sunny day, and cruising the day away with someday 1 A1 homie while bumping some Westcoast tunes. At that moment it was all about showcasing my vision and inspiration and letting my audience capture that vision. I did what any other artist would do which was write down the masterplan and add something different to it. Something that I've never done which was as I would call it "testing my vocals". I knew the hook needed something special so I decided to do a little singing to know what I'm saying. Something that would be stuck in the listener's mind whether they liked it or not. I recorded it and everybody that came over to the studio and listened and eventually the ones that got the sneak peek on social media all said that this one hit differently from the rest of my work.
What would you like your listeners to take away from the message in this song?
Well as I said previously I want my audience to capture my vision and inspiration. I want them to see someone hitting switches in a lowrider. I want them to envision a regular normal WestCoast day. Even though I'm a Texas-based artist I want them to see that I'm very influenced by Westcoast music and its style. My audience has to know my personality and what influences me so they can connect with me and separate me from other artist so when they hear my music they know "Ohhhh yeaaa that's that boy Dre Day 100"
How was it working with carmabeats to bring your vision to life?
Man Carmabeats really did his thang on that beat. I can tell that he is also influenced by the same things as me because he also showcased it as well. I really want to thank him for helping me with my creative process and bringing something different out of me. It was just magic.
How have you found that you have grown as an artist since your last release to now?
Through my journey, I have come to the understanding that I find a different part of me with each single and release. I feel like I found myself even more with this release and dug more into what makes me stand out and what connects my fans with me. My vision came to fruition more with this release. Not only that I tapped more into my potential when I was "testing my vocals".
If you could give a piece of advice to artists who are just starting out, what would you say?
Man yall let your fans know what's on your mind and don't be afraid to be yourself. Your fans will love you more. Make them feel like they are apart of your journey almost as if they are with you 24/7. Let them know what you like and what drives you so they can get a better understanding of you. And always know this.....never give up no matter who doubts and no matter how hard it gets because it will get hard. It ain't easy. If this is what you really want to do show the people and don't ever let them forget who you are