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Regal Club Opens Up About Sophomore Album, 'Regal World'

Congratulations on releasing your sophomore album, Regal World. What inspired you to create this comprehensive, conceptual project?

As a collective we’re heading into a new era and Regal Club wants to help lead the way. The inspiration come from living in our environment and expressing what we see. The experiences we have individually encountered that we know most go through. 

The opening and title track, "Regal World," really sets the stage for your album. What inspired you to start the album this way, on such a thematic note?

Once I made the beat I knew this would be the intro. We wanted it to feel like your starting a movie and this is the opening of the film. Wherever you are, once you press play, you’re taken into a different world. A new world, Regal World. 

Your single "Left Field" from Regal World has been making waves. Can you share what the creative process was like for this track and why it resonates so strongly with listeners?

Going into Regal World we knew we wanted to have features on it. CB was the perfect piece to add. The track is inspirational. A reminder that sometimes all you need is yourself. We are all on a journey and need tracks like this for motivation. Kinda like superhero theme music. 

Who was the featured vocalist on a few tracks in the album Regal World? Why did you feel that your songs needed a warm, womanly touch?

The vocalist is Mahryluh. We had these two hooks that we needed sung and we chose her. I love the naturalness in her voice. How strong yet soft it is. Her features are a fan favorite. 

As your sophomore album, Regal World showcases incredible growth. How do you feel this album represents where you’re currently at as an artist and how you've evolved since your debut?

This album shows the creativity and individuality that Regal Club possess. This is only the beginning. Evolving is a part of life and the music will always reflect that. 


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