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Rap Artist Mason Dean Releases Dynamic Album "Hyperfocus"

Mason Dean is back at it, and starting this New Year off with his album release "Hyperfocus". The Los Angeles native curated a 15-track record that truly highlights his foundational artistry, including what really makes Mason Dean, well, Mason Dean. Artistically, Mason Dean prides himself on being an open book, as he finds it incredibly important to have honesty flowing throughout any track. Like an artist who can either give a wired and enthralling experience or a laidback and more thoughtful experience, Mason Dean clearly proves that he has serious depth within his sound. We'll begin by talking about the most notable tracks from "Hyperfocus". The album itself is your typical Hip/Hop and Rap production, but embedded within is a strong contemporary and diversified sound. Mason Dean created this album in hopes to showcase his nurtured artistic abilities with his listeners and to establish more of a presence within the music scene itself. "Hairdown!" is one track right off of "Hyperfocus" that features that heavy magnetic and modern production we mentioned the album encompasses. There's no way you're listening to "Hairdown!" without feeling rejuvenated in some type of way. Mason Dean does such a commendable job at making his listeners feel regenerated and alive. This same quality of energy seethes out of "The Wave"--but be cautious with this one, it's more than just an energetic sound you're receiving. "The Wave" delves deeper into the personal and private thoughts of Mason Dean, specifically regarding religion, emotions, and experiences he's undergone. Mason Dean really hits it right with this track. We resonated highly with the lyrical outflow present in "The Wave", and vibed intensely with the slower and complex production. 

"Idontknow" gives a contrasting power than the other two tracks we noted. "Idontknow" offers up more of a low-key atmosphere, and allows for that more intimate connection with Mason Dean and his music. "Idontknow" showcases a hint of eclectic mixing at the beginning, but soon goes into a refined and shaped quality vocal performance from Mason. The track is definitely more eccentric than any other on the EP, which is what made it the one track from Mason Dean's EP that really stood out to us. But it isn't the only track that will protrude out to your ears more than others, that's for sure! Once you come across "Hyper", you'll fully understand what we mean here.

"Hyper" encases an incredibly quality lyrical production. Mason Dean really gets down to business with this track and establishes a thought-provoking presence with listeners. "Hyper" gets into heavy topics and displays the inner perspective of Mason Dean on the life he has been observing thus far. It's the type of track that will really get you thinking in a different way. Similar to "Idontknow", but more content-heavy. Nevertheless, both tracks carry that vulnerable and authentic conduction of sound from Mason Dean, which we've come to appreciate highly from him as an artist. We appreciate that we receive that listening experience that feels more real and legitimate. 

"Back to the Coast" gives a mini hint in its title of what to expect. We receive more of that tropical sounding in this particular track from the album, which presents itself through both instrumentals and synths. The combined feeling that "Back to the Coast" imparts is atmospheric. Another notable track off of "Hyperfocus" was the bonus track "Ohmydayz", which offered more of a lighter tone than the other tracks from the record. "Ohmydayz" was definitely more of that hype-rap track with a collective production that felt more fun and easygoing. An element to Mason Dean's artistry that really stands out to us is his ability to switch up from genuine and astute soundings to more of a lax and chill environment. "Hyperfocus" has undoubtedly proved Mason Dean's versatility to us, as well as his ability to create and synthesize valuable soundings. Soundings that are not only fun and energy-packed, but soundings that give more of a serious and thought-provoking feeling. All in all, we felt extremely satisfied with Mason Dean's vocal and productional performance in "Hyperfocus". We're hoping that Mason continues with his music throughout the rest of 2020, mainly because we're intrigued and excited to see what he'll manifest next.

Discover Mason Dean's "Hyperfocus" here.


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