The Soul infused Indie-rockers, Onism E, take it upon themselves to bring it all together to share a worldly adventure with their fans. As they know that being in only one place at one time can be difficult for those of us wishing to experience all that the planet has to offer, the broken ground as they offer up high impact energy that implodes upon touchdown.
Made up of Frontwoman Eline Chavez, guitarist Chris ‘Lefty’ Vargas, bass player Chris ‘CeeRod’ Rodriguez, and drummer Raj, the band collectively puts forth emotion-fueled anthems through Eline Chavez’ intoxicating songwriting while fleshing out the inspirational elevation of their unmatched sound.
Achieving colossal accomplishments in 2020 such as being deemed the winners of the ‘Power to the People,’ portion of the John Lennon Songwriting Contest for their track, “My America,” and being the recipients of Radio Wigwam’s, ‘Best Indie Rock Act,” Onism E has earned these feats by being the culmination of life experiences wrapped up in a soulful package that is carving out a unique space within the Indie-Rock world.
Take their single, “My America,” for example. The smooth spell that they cast upon listeners have you sinking into your seat as you take in everything that is Onism E. A slow tempo driven atmospheric instrumentation shines a light on this live off the floor performance. The heavy reverberations of the vocalization of Frontwoman, Eline Chavez takes their own spotlight in the carefully crafted lyrics shed.
Their most recent release, “Survivors,” truly places the emphasis on a year that has tested us all. Mind-altering guitar riffs wash over you alongside the tight drum patterns and infectious grooves of the bass. In the electric essence of a passionate vocal performance that packs a punch in the most poignant manner, Onism E has a knack for finding its way deep into your mind as you feel the music spilling from your speakers.
Although live shows were brought to a halt due to Covid-19, Onism E is eagerly awaiting the moments that they can return to the stage to move you in more ways than one. Focusing on the essence that music breeds a connection to the listener, Onism E guarantees the offering of warmth to further ignite the relationships that they create between fan and band.
You have definitely made quite the wave this year, Onism E, it’s always a pleasure when we chat it up with you. Tell us about your growth as a band this year. In what ways has 2020 allowed you to develop?
First, a big thank you to all of you for the continued support. It means a lot. The year gave us something I never seem to have...time. As a band, it allowed us to figure out the individual pieces of songs more organically and true to who we are as musicians. When there's no one around watching, you have time to figure out what you want to play. Chris Vargas, when left to his own devices, comes up with some cool stuff. He's that mad scientist sending out his creations in the middle of the night. I love being in the studio but what I have learned is that we work well together regardless of where we are which has been surprising and wonderful all at the same time.
Congratulations on both of the awards that you raked in! Very well deserved! What was the initial feeling that you felt when you heard about both awards?
Thank you. It's always kinda surreal for me when I find out people listen to what we are doing and like what they hear. Honestly, it is always a shock. I'm just grateful that the music we put out this year resonated with people.
What challenges did you face as artists individually and as a band this year?
The biggest challenge this year has been recording music. I never thought I would be putting a song together, let alone an EP, track by track. As much as I hate how long it takes, I love not having anyone stare at me while I figure out what to play or where to go next with a song. At the same time, it's hard not having anyone around to bounce ideas in real-time. As a writer, I often feed off the drummer's groove but, I've been the drummer at times during this process and that's been a challenge. I also find that I talk to myself a lot more nowadays. Ha. My most commonly used phrase right now is, "This sucks, doesn't it?" No one ever answers. Ha.
Now, we have been patiently waiting for your EP to come out! We have so many questions, but what can you tell us about it?
The guys cemented the sound of the band you will hear in 2021. They are so talented individually and together it’s a lot of fun to see how they pair well together without being in the same room. I'm excited about it! The songs on the EP remind me how incredibly talented Chris Rodriguez and Raj are while showcasing how much Chris Vargas has grown into his role with the band. The guy is just such a cool guitar player and I’m lucky to have him. CeeRod and Raj have been in projects most of their lives but Lefty hadn’t been playing with anyone when we met.
Out of your two releases this year, do you have one that resonates with you more than the other? What’s your reasoning behind that?
Some days it's My America and, some days it's Survivors. They both give you insight into how I have viewed this rollercoaster of a year. I don't know that I could have written either song in a "normal" year.
Eline Chavez, you’re inspired by some of the great women of music such as Joan Jett, Bonnie Raitt, and Melissa Etheridge. How do you allow their influence to speak into the songs that you write?
Most women in the music industry are bold, fierce, and independent. I pay homage to them every time I stick my foot in my mouth. Ha. They're trailblazers, game changers, and the music landscape would be nothing without them. I'm lucky that I grew up with so many around. Joan Jett, Melissa Etheridge, Bonnie Raitt, Chrissie Hynde, Stevie Nicks, Janis Joplin, Patti Smith, Debbie Harry, Tina Turner, PJ Harvey...Just trying to imagine a world without their music is crazy to me! I don't sugarcoat things and, I understand it's not my job to make everyone happy with my songs. That's what they taught me.
Through the chaotic year of 2020, what words of wisdom do you have to offer your listeners?
Breathe. It's going to get better. We have to keep our heads up and keep pushing forward. A lot of cliches oddly but, I know they’re true. Above all else, take care of each other. 2020 has been trying to remind us that we are stronger together. I'm an optimist and, this year has tested me but, I won't ever stop hoping for a better tomorrow.