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NEW RELEASE: By an ion Has Came Out With "Shadow Knife" & Remixes For the Track


By an ion consists of music duo Alex Gonzales and Ray Aguilar. Right out of San Diego, CA, By an ion mixes tracks and releases music that contains serious vibrations. The two have always focused on creating a certain kind of ambiance that is cinematic and eccentric in all ways. This is definitely the type of sound we receive from the duo, and especially so with their recent release of "Shadow Knife" as well as the remixes for the track itself.

"Shadow Knife" proves itself to be a mystic and psychedelic track. The track itself begins with the alluring appeal we've become so accustomed to from By an ion, which comes in the form of their captivating synth integration. There are so many fitting places that the soundings of By an ion can be listened to. That's the kind of dynamic By an ion goes for--the ability for his music to be understood and captured at any moment. "Shadow Knife" feels very atmospheric, but this overall ambiance comes in many varying forms. At first, we feel stuck by the otherworldly sound that By an ion emulates, and then we feel more spiritual as the track continues itself. The vocal performance and its echoing effect transcend the listeners' experience into an even further ethereal vibration. "Shadow Knife" is a staple of a song that really solidifies the type of music By an ion creates!

Listen to "Shadow Knife" here.


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