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Neomi Has Our Attention With Her Latest Single “Tables”

As an independent artist Neomi has been able to explore and build her alternative-pop sound. Her singles “Body On Body” and “Tables” gives the world a taste of what this 20 year old Montreal, Canada native has been putting together in the studio. With more singles to come in 2019 and an album on the way, it is safe to say that this is just the beginning of Neomi’s career in music. Eager to hear what she has to offer in her latest release “Tables”.

Oh my! Is right. Neomi has a sound that's a cross between Ariana Grande, Alina Baraz, and a splash of Sia! What a combination of sounds. Lyrically and musically her range is pleasant to the senses. I definitely hear the alternative-pop and it works so well for her. The production of the song itself is a steady build up. Gives you a little then backs back down. It is a dope technique and if down well sounds amazing. “Tables” gives a great and new sound to our readers!

Listen to “Tables” here and get to know Neomi in our interview below! We got to chat with her about her career, the release of "Tables", upcoming music & more!

Hi Neomi! If you could, introduce yourself to our readers!

Hi!  I'm Neomi, I'm a 20 year old Montreal born and raised pop singer/songwriter.  I have recently released two singles and I'm just starting my journey and career in the music world.

How long have you been involved in music?

I've been involved in music pretty much my entire life. From a young age, I was in piano lessons, vocals lessons, and involved in school productions. I always loved performing and had a deep passion for music.

What made you decide music was that thing for you?

I don't think I ever really decided, I feel like it was something that I always just knew from a super young age.  At age 4 or 5 I would say "yeah, I want to be a singer, I want to be an artist, that's what I want to do to."  I never really doubted it, it was something that I always intrinsically knew.

Could you give us a back story on “Tables”?

Tables was written about an on-again off-again kind of relationship where we could never find a middle ground.  One person always had to have the upper hand.  I was trying to figure out how to put it into words, how to describe the situation and the idea of Tables always turning came to me. I found that it described the power struggle of the relationship perfectly.

What were some challenges you faced in the creation process of "Tables"

I feel like there weren't any challenges in the making of this particular song.  In other songs that I've worked on, I've had trouble deciding things like the tempo or the type of instruments to use or finding the right words, but with Tables, this song is the one that came the most easily to me and to my producer Kevin Jardine.  We got in the studio, it was actually the first song we ever worked on together, and we finished the rough version of it in a day or two.  The creation was such a natural progression and it just flowed.

Favorite lyric from the song and why?

My favourite lyric from the song is "my soul is broken, fixed again, broken".  I feel like that really captures the emotion that I was feeling during that time.  It was just a rollercoaster, feeling on top of the world, and then feeling shattered.  That lyric captures the unstable position that I was in within the relationship.

What's next for you in 2019!

I have about 10 songs recorded and we're putting together either an album an EP or something of the sort.  I'm excited to do a lot of live performances and keep writing music and creating new things.  I'm still learning to manoeuvre my way through the music world which is new and exciting.  I'm self-managed right now so hopefully in 2019 I can start working with a great agent or a label, but if not, I can keep learning through trial and error.  I'm excited to connect with people through music and I hope that I'm able to reach a lot of people with it.


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