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Mico Hughes Delivers Melodic Potency in “One Seventeen”

Emotionally and melodically singing with the light casting brightly into his bedroom, Mico Hughes remembers the moment his joy inspired him. The positive influence that jump-started his creativity is what pushes his ambition to create songs that are captivating yet never before heard.

Taking these notions into his most recent single, "One Seventeen," we hear an expression that mirrors the unalloyed quintessence that Mico Hughes embodies. The sonic canvas dips us into a mesmerizing path that's coated in melodic raps, reminiscent synths, and a tempo that immediately takes us into a nostalgic sway of buoyancy.

Touching on the myriad of elements as we feel an instantaneous sense of elevation come from this record, Mico Hughes has a knack for evoking emotion in a custom way to his fan base. The effervescence of the pop components has us bobbing along to the tuneful voyage embarked on, all while we reach into our hearts and explore the pent-up sentiments that reside deep within ourselves.

This innovative approach has our ears feeling rejuvenated as we latch onto the poignant delivery that Mico Hughes conveys to our souls. 'If nobody told you, then I want to be the first. I can't control you; sometimes I just need to learn,' this is a mere example of the thought-provoking wording that Mico Hughes carefully strings together to get your feelings going.

Spontaneous with the way he brings his visions to the surface, we'll be the first to admit our love for Mico Hughes's unorthodox approach to music creation.

Welcome to BuzzMusic, Mico Hughes! We love the brilliant way that you approach your songwriting. In "One Seventeen," you mention that this comes straight from the heart. What moment or story inspired this creation?

Thank you! I began writing this song to start the day with a refreshing joyful moment! Writing the lyrics heavily influenced my interest, especially when I imagined how the song would naturally fall in place. Instead of giving a piece of the past, my intention was foretelling visions I have of the future. Creating this body of art I was in an atmosphere that desired to truthfully speak life. The feeling of intimacy along with melodies and positivity are my intentions with this particular song.

In your own words, what is the central theme behind this particular track? What do the lyrics mean to you? The central theme behind this track is discovering true love and intuition. I believe that where you store your treasure, there is where the heart will also be. So by seeing someone for who they truly are on the inside I appreciate a person more. I enjoy listening, I love to learn about individuals. 'One Seventeen' is the height of having that ultimate connection where there’s no dialog necessary to express how it feels.

What styles of music are you eager to explore? Is there any genre or sound that's off-limits to you?

There are so many areas of music I have yet to dabble in. There is no limit to what I can and will create, my desire is to bring more dynamics to music. I plan on experimenting with Soul and Christian music to start. Nevertheless, I’m always eager to explore every style I possibly can! Every new genre is a welcoming opportunity to tell my truth on a bigger canvas. I also vision traveling and adding more unique elements from experiencing different parts of the world.

What happens to be the most important part of your artistry to you?

The most important part of my artistry is leaving behind a legacy. I want to lead a story that generations can look after and decide what mark they want to make during their life. My artistry is about what I give away and less what I can gain from it.

What’s Next?

My next move is continuing to progress musically. I'm excitedly preparing to release my first Ep this year. I also plan on expressing myself much more consistently. I look forward to taking a ton of risks and learning from my mistakes made along the journey. I look forward to more friendships that lead to remarkable collaborations involving other artists and producers. I also vision traveling and adding more elements while experiencing other parts of the world.


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