Punk Rock has to be loud and badass, and that is what you get when listening to the new single of Lipstick Stains, “Discoteca.”
Lipstick Stains is what Punk Rock is meant to be the genre where hardcore expressions of rebellion meet sensibility through music. They are not afraid of writing and performing songs with a strong socio-political message using their incredible skills as instrumentalists and the powerful voice of their female singer Xanthe Mumm-Saucier.
“Discoteca” is full of non-stop action. From the moment it starts, you get an ambiance of constant euphoria emanating from the instrumentals and Xhante’s voice. The hype increases every second, your body demands movement, and you must at least bang your head at the compass.
Listening to “Discoteca” starts with the fast-paced drums emerging from the silence to the bass stomping the air with powerful notes accompanying the distorted guitar’s riff. The instrumentals welcome the fierce vocals of Xhante, filling your ears and getting into your mind. You can feel the energy running from your spine to your limbs.
The lyrics talk about meeting someone you can’t forget when you only wanted to ‘dance the demons away.’ It invites you to be free from inhibitions and discharge your impulses as “Discoteca” is playing, as only the most cathartic Punk Rock songs can. Lipstick Stains’ instrumentals and vocals are passionate and energetic, making you feel the song.
Get to know some of the essences of Punk Rock by hitting the play button on “Discoteca.”
Welcome back to BuzzMusic Lipstick Stains, and congratulations on your latest release, "Discoteca." How would you describe the creative process of writing “Discoteca?”
The music came first, much like most of our song ideas begin. This technique has become a staple in our creative process while writing new material. We sat on the music for a good couple of months before we came up with the lyrics and melodies. We knew from the get-go we wanted Discoteca to stand out from the rest of our catalog but still hit you with that Lipstick Stains punch.
What was the most rewarding moment that “Discoteca” has given you?
We premiered the song at our live shows a few weeks ago, and it's been incredible to feel the energy that it brings to the crowd. This song makes people want to throw down at a show and go hard in the pit.
How do you expect “Discoteca” to influence your listeners?
We think this song will make people want to get up, dance, and release the emotions we all seek to release at a live show.
How do you picture a party where “Discoteca” is being played?
We picture folks grooving to the song like Jamie Lee Curtis and John Travolta in that movie 'Perfect.'
What's next for you?
We'll close out 2022 with a few upcoming dates and plan to hit the ground running with touring in 2023. We also have potential new music on the horizon. Follow us on all of our links to stay updated! https://linktr.ee/lipstickstains
10/21/22: Memphis, TN - HiTone
10/29/22: Jackson, MS - Hal & Mal's
11/19/22: Little Rock, AR - Vino's
12/10/22: Nashville, TN - Punk Rock Flea Market @ Eastside Bowl
12/30/22: Little Rock, AR - Fourth Quarter
12/31/22: Memphis, TN - HiTone