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Lift up Your Spirits With the Vibrant Sound of Safari Room's New Song, "Young Water"

Safari Room is here to share their smooth indie soundscape with those listeners currently in need of an openly expressive atmosphere. The band does a stellar job at infusing their music with an emotionality that is easily projected to listeners. What does that exactly mean? Well, Safari Room has this natural source of energy that appears very light-hearted and full of reflecting thoughts. Assembled Nashville, TN, each member of Safari Room is all about making that human connection, especially regarding their music. The passion for expression is innate for them, and they showcase this well in their latest single, "Young Water". 

"Young Water" blossoms with its gradual surge of positivity, and you might find yourself reminiscing on a familiar sound with the vocals presented in this track. The collective sound of Safari Room is quite comparable to Death Cab for Cutie but follows more of a spirited persona in order to establish a certain type of zeal. Content-wise, you can feel the urge Safari Room has to break out of the norm, and the conflicting narrative at play. They pack the song with the optimism, which ultimately brings about that inspiring appeal. "Young Water" has all of the proper components to uplift any open-minded listener, and so we urge our indie-loving readers to explore the musical offerings of Safari Room.

Listen to the latest single by Safari Room, here

Hey there, Safari Room! How exciting is it that we're seeing yet another single release we're seeing from you guys! Can you elaborate more on "Young Water" and what the song entailed for our readers? 

We’re excited too! It’s been a minute since our last release, and this one means a whole heck of a lot. The song was written by me and my friend, Jake Wesley Rodgers. We were co-writing a bit last year and sketches of Young Water came from that.SafariRoombecame the proper home for the song after doing a little soul searching and toying with the arrangement. It’s one of the band’s cheerier, more upbeat tunes, but it has a special place in our live sets amongst its siblings.

What kind of ambiance was the band attempting to reach with the way the production of "Young Water" took place? Was there a certain kind of mood you wanted your listeners to undergo once listening to the track?

Young Water is uplifting and optimistic at its core. We want people to groove and move to the song while empowering them to take control of life. If you go out and really push yourself and grind at the goals you want, something will come back in return. Also, the message has definitely been reframed in light of current events: Despite tricky times, we can persevere and pick ourselves up to keep moving together. And that sweet release you feel when you hit that stride — that’s what we’re talking about. 

What kind of challenges would you say the band has encountered regarding your writing and recording process, especially considering the obstacles present in the current times?! 

We’re incredibly lucky to live in a city where friends of ours have professional studios in their homes. The recording has been made incredibly accessible for us, as we all have gear in our homes as well! However, finance and scheduling are always factors that work against the recording process. As I [Alec] am the primary songwriter, new material comes from me taking time and writing on my own. I then bring my favorite ideas and songs to the band to help shape and fully form them into what we play live and record. Oddly enough, quarantine-induced isolation has been difficult for my writing. I’m having a lot of self-conflict writing about quarantine-related issues. Yes, loneliness is a pretty widely-effecting condition, but I don't feel much catharsis tapping into that right now. Nevertheless, having the time to write every day is giving me a chance to try new things and develop my style. When we’re all able to collaborate in the same room again, there will be plenty to sift through.   

Are there any goals Safari Room has yet to reach but has been established for yourselves in the near future? What are some milestones you all believe Safari Room may surpass in the future to come? 

We’re incredibly lucky to live in a city where friends of ours have professional studios in their homes. The recording has been made incredibly accessible for us, as we all have gear in our homes as well! However, finance and scheduling are always factors that work against the recording process. As I [Alec] am the primary songwriter, new material comes from me taking time and writing on my own. I then bring my favorite ideas and songs to the band to help shape and fully form them into what we play live and record. Oddly enough, quarantine-induced isolation has been difficult for my writing. I’m having a lot of self-conflict writing about quarantine-related issues. Yes, loneliness is a pretty widely-effecting condition, but I don't feel much catharsis tapping into that right now. Nevertheless, having the time to write every day is giving me a chance to try new things and develop my style. When we’re all able to collaborate in the same room again, there will be plenty to sift through.   



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