Welcome to BuzzMusic A. Johnz. Can you tell us about the culture of music in Mississippi? How was it growing up in this environment and in what ways were you able to cultivate your sound from this?
Thanks for having me BuzzMusic, Mississippi was and still is a culture of soulful sounds like the Blues, a little Jazz, little country, and rap if you will. Growing up in the Mississippi Delta, I was faced with many challenges/adversity, small thing to giant we’re out of those circumstances now and I look at it as a gift because those challenges made me stronger. I honed my writing skills at an early age in Mississippi, and I was able to cultivate my soulful musical sound here in Mississippi because there was great music always around or being played nonstop.
Let’s talk about your exciting new single “Dance For Me”. What were your initial intentions with this song and how were you able to convey this?
I’m glad you asked, it’s simple!!! The intention for “Dance for Me” is to bring a sense of Connection back to our dance floors. Even though it’s a social outing, nowadays in clubs or parties it’s like everybody wants to sit down, take pics for social media or gossip about nothing. In the meanwhile, me and my Business Partner Melvin was trying to come up with a dance floor anthem to get our people grooving again.
Was there any special event in your life or moment in which helped inspire the creation of “Dance For Me”?
I’ve never been the one to complain or judge ever but I think I summed it up in my answer for your question #2. I just got tired of going out without seeing or feeling a connection, just me speaking for me. Technology is a gift and also a curse at the same time. We’re in times where people rather text than call and you can say what you want there’s no connection in typing words!!! That’s why it was written, Hope you all enjoyed the creative sounds of “Dance for Me”.
What was the biggest obstacle you had to face when creating “Dance For Me” and how were you able to overcome the challenge and learn from it?
To be honest “Dance for Me” biggest obstacles were how to place to the words in the song far as delivery goes. After I pinned the first verse and hook, I had to call on my Ace in the hole which is my Business partner Melvin Miller who pinned the second verse. After everything came together it just sounded like it belonged. The feedback to “Dance for Me” has been cool but we have lots of work to do.
Thank you for talking with us A. Johnz, what's next for you and your music?
You’re most certainly welcome. Thank you guys for having us. We’re about to do more visuals and photos for our website soon just to revamp everything and as you know there’s never enough marketing!!!
You can listen to “Dance For Me” by A. Johnz here.