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Kamrn's Releases, Collaborations, and Future Goals


From Houston, Texas, the Hip-Hop Artist and Rapper Kamrn give listeners a profound look into his life through each musical endeavor. Always writing about a theme or concept listeners can relate with, like mental health and relationship issues, Kamrn makes it incredibly easy to connect.

The experimental Hip-Hop Rapper also ventures into the sounds of different genres like Pop and R&B, genuinely making his sound all the more refreshing and authentic. Teaming up with fellow Artist and Rapper Ezzy to release his powerful hit, "Downfall," which we previously featured, Kamrn is turning the heads of various audiences and listeners.

Through a previous interview with us, Kamrn stated that while creating his single, "Downfall," he found himself in need of an emotional release. Thus, leading him to the studio to sit down and hit the record button, allowing his emotions and thoughts to pour as effortlessly and easily as they appear. He also touched on what it was like when collaborating with Ezzy for the single.

Mentioning that Ezzy is like a brother to him, Kamrn always felt gravitated to Ezzy's persona and spirit. Back in middle school, Ezzy would encourage Kamrn to break out of his shell, which established a bond between the two like no other. "We already built up that chemistry with each other, so every-time we reconnect, it's literally too easy," stated Kamrn."

This past year, Kamrn took away that an artist must work twice as hard to achieve what they desire. Gearing up for 2021, Kamrn strives to make his music career full-time while remaining experimental in sound to garner the attention of loyal listeners.

Discover more about Kamrn here.

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