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Joy Xande Invites Us In With Her Soulful New Track, "Just A Feeling"


Toronto, Canada-based singer-songwriter Joy Xande gained her foundation in music through the community around her.

Growing up watching her father perform as a vocalist in her great-grandfather’s church, her passion for music grew. This influence lead her to take vocal and piano lessons, as well as teach herself guitar as the years went on. Her soulful and rich vocal tones are a staple of Xande’s music.

Xande's passion for music and inspiring others has only grown throughout her years, as she notes, "Music is a universal language that I grew up speaking. A lot of us recognize music as a feeling rather than a sound, a science, even. I love to provide people with a feeling for them to envision and interpret.”

With her latest release, “Just A Feeling,” Xande once again brings the audience into her lush and rich melodic world. This song combines elements of pop, soul, and jazz, with a rich soundscape that we find ourselves noticing new elements in with every listen. The instrumentation of “Just A Feeling” is infused with soulful organs, intricate percussion, and even a sultry saxophone section to accompany Xande’s silky vocal performance. Collaborating on this track with artist The Business, they have managed to create a warm and inviting atmosphere for listers to immerse themselves in.

The song crosses over between themes of love and lust within a relationship, while also combining elements of self-reflection and introspection, relating herself to a feline. She reflects, “No matter how far away a tiger goes, their stripes remain the same. I couldn’t change my true nature wherever I went, I just had to be myself because I wasn’t looking to fit in.”

Let yourself be carried away into the lush world Xande has created with “Just A Feeling,” available on all streaming platforms.

Welcome to BuzzMusic, Joy Xande! We are so happy to have you here and want to congratulate you on the release of your latest single, “Just A Feeling”. Can you tell us a bit more about the writing process and where you drew your inspiration from?

Thank you for having me! The writing process was fairly dainty and delicate. I was young in my approach and now that I’ve matured my sound is a bit different & always changing or improving. At the time, it was a bubblegum pop/jazz prototype that I was going for.

I drew inspiration from the first college I attended when the development of thyself is rampant and I was getting to know myself. I was recognizing that college opens us up to a different world of people to socialize with and it’s like a proverbial jungle. I became the feline within that jungle we call college/university.

What was it like collaborating with Producer Greg McGovern on the track as well as The Business? How did you work together to bring your vision to life?

Collaboration with Greg McGovern is always fun & flexible. At the time, it was one of my first serious recordings and I was elated to work with him — we met in passing through classmates. At the time I was also working with my other favorite producer AODAN & as soon as I finished one track, I jumped on another.

Anytime I get to work with The Business it’s a new experience every time. When drawing inspiration, it helps to have a well-blended group of performers who understand music but also understand the community. The community aspect helps to set the groove & emotion of the overall song, bringing the vision to life.

Is there a specific line or moment within this song that is particularly meaningful to you and can you explain why that is?

The most influential line for me was:

It's in your eyes the way that they glitter

In the dark, they are the guiding light

This can be for a loved one, a partner, or for myself but that line meant a lot to me because to find someone or to be someone who can lead the way or help direct you into a positive circumstance is an exhilarating feeling. To be surrounded by protection and guidance feels good even when you’re independent.

How do you hope listeners will react to the new single, "Just A Feeling”? What impact do you want the song to make on your audience?

I hope they fall in love a little bit. [Laughs]

I want for listeners to feel romantic this winter (and overall) — cuddle up to the people that love you the most and enjoy discovering things about each other.

Even if you don’t have close “loved ones” you should still be romantic to yourself, smile at yourself in the mirror & appreciate who you are.

What's next for you?

In 2022, there will be more music and frequently as well. There are plans to branch out vigorously through different social media platforms.

I’m usually on Pinterest or Instagram where my community congregates most but I’d like to open up more streams/avenues to have discussions that provoke my listeners to influence their own communities in a conducive manner.

You can find me on my social media through @Joyxande

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