Just when we thought the Singer/Songwriter, Producer, and Composer Jeremy Schonfeld's music couldn't get any more conceptual, he releases his latest music video for "Proof of Rain," that proves us wrong.
After featuring Jeremy Schonfeld's single, "Proof of Rain," he stopped us dead in our tracks with the song's heavily conceptual lyricism regarding his life's journey and putting the pieces together to find his purpose.
Through his recent music video for "Proof of Rain," we see scenes of a young, young adult, and middle-aged Schonfeld contemplating whether he's found his purpose and how he'll leave a legacy behind.
That being said, Jeremy Schonfeld powers through and reminds himself that his passionate and textured music will undoubtedly leave a mark on listeners for years to come.
The music video for "Proof of Rain" opens with black and white drone shots of an ocean wave crashing, which fades into the scene of a young Jeremy Schonfeld walking along the beach while singing his inspirations and discovering his musical abilities with the utmost optimism. As the boy grows older, we notice a 21-year-old Schonfeld singing heavier lyricism, where he questions finding his purpose and what that might be.
Ending the video with the present-day Jeremy Schonfeld walking the beach and pleasantly singing of realizing what his legacy is through his lyrics "like water dripping down from the roof, I am proof of the rain," Schonfeld explains that his creative works are proof that he's lived an eventful life while tracking it through his heartfelt music.
Through beautiful transitions and the entire black and white video, Jeremy Schonfeld is truly an artist to watch as he continuously impresses us with each intricate, heartfelt, and conceptual tune/video, especially "Proof of Rain."

Once again, we're heavily impressed with the concepts you've created with your music video for "Proof of Rain." How did you come up with the video's scenes that go hand in hand with your lyricism?
So glad you dig it! I have to give credit where credit is due: The director and cinematographer for “ Proof of Rain” is a friend in New Zealand named John Lacey. My wife (who is a Kiwi), kids, and I spent 4 months there during the initial lockdowns. As we were making plans to fly home, I asked John if he wanted to take a crack at shooting a video for the new album before our departure. He chose “Proof of Rain” and I give him full credit for the concept. Our friend Anna Groot, who produced the shoot, was also tremendously important with licenses,
locations, scheduling, etc. Was a lot to do in a day!
What was your shooting process like for the video "Proof of Rain"? Was it challenging to capture the younger Jeremy Schonfeld's within one shot?
We loaded up the gear and the two-man crew into the back of the family’s 20-year-old Land Rover Discovery. Rope-tied the heavy trunk door (which opens to the side, not up) so that no one lost a limb or finger, then my wife was in charge of the slow driving. We practiced walking and running at speed to keep consistent spacing with the vehicle, and then practiced those seamless transitions. Love those. A lot of running alongside the car out of sight until the camera swung back to the center. Btw, the boy in the video is my son Gus (total pro - proud Dad!), and the young man is an actor from Auckland we cast named Leo Allan.
Did you have any help regarding the visuals and effects within the video for "Proof of Rain"? Why did you want the entire video to be shot in black and white?
We discussed John’s idea for black and white, and the most important thing I could do was simply to trust his vision. The suits (from Frank Casey Suit Hire - my father in law’s biz, now run by my sister in law Rachel!) really helped tie the three segments together and made the whole black and white idea pop.
Within your music video for "Proof of Rain," there's one shot of you playing the piano that's not in black and white like the rest of the video. Does this have any meaning behind it, was it supposed to capture the present-day Jeremy Schonfeld?
That’s a good question! I am not certain we were thinking of time in that way, but perhaps more about the fantasy/reality of the black and white versus color shots. There is something kinda surreal about the sand shoot, the characters described in each segment taking on their roles, as opposed to the piano shots which perhaps identify with the real narrator in his true element.
What has been keeping you inspired this year? What can we anticipate to see next from you?
Rough times for artists, eh? If I’m being honest, I would say that it’s a rocky road trying to lift yourself up and stay creative. Throw young kids into the mix and the schedule becomes a real mixed bag. The trick is to take the pressure off, appreciate as best you can, and be grateful for the work you are doing and have done. For me, Signing a record deal for “Brooklyn to Beacon” has certainly been a blessing, given me more focus and drive. You’ll see more videos and releases from “Brooklyn to Beacon” over the next few months, so stay tuned! Don’t forget to go to www.dekoentertainment.com for more on the new album, and please visit www.jeremyschonfeld.com for all things Jer. And thank you BUZZMUSIC for supporting my work.