Welcome to Buzz, TAYKAB! We're head over heels for the passionate yet uplifting vibe of your new single, "Blue." What inspired you to revisit and reimagine this track?
Thanks! I’ve always felt that abandoned songs are like young orphans. You have to give them the opportunity to live, grow, and express themselves. Blue was a “rejected child.” I had to find a way to love, feed, and look out for her.
How did the collaboration with Adrian Quesada come about, and what did he bring to the table for "Blue?" Was this your first time working together?
Adrian plays guitars on this track. I honestly feel that he adds so much to it with his almost spiritual way of playing. It’s hard to explain in words (you have to listen). He’s been a friend for many years, and we’ve collaborated on a couple of projects in the past.
Do most of your songs offer those immersive Spanglish lyrics, similar to "Blue?" How does this approach represent you and your artistic vision?
The spanglish subculture has always been around in my life growing up near the Texas border. I thought it would be fun to try this combination for Blue. I like the freedom to write in both Spanish and english.
As a collective that combines music with other art forms, how does "Blue" fit into your larger creative picture? What role does it play?
I’ve always had a deep admiration for reggae, calypso and Caribbean music. Blue is my take on that. Taykab is able to combine different forms of art by having photographers, graphic designers, filmmakers and other players / singers in the equation. It will always change and evolve.
What do you hope listeners experience when they hear "Blue?” What emotions or feelings did you want to evoke?
The exact same thing that I felt while writing it. That feeling of a moment of absolute joy that will disappear soon and you hold on to it as an everlasting memory. You can’t stop thinking of it, and it breaks you apart. We’ve all been there.
Read more about "Blue."