Originally born in South Korea, Gun Boi Kaz spent his life growing up in the small town of New Haven, Connecticut. Diving into music at the age of 16, he used the creative aspect as an emotional outlet to help him cope. Garnering major attention with his musical styles that pull inspiration from Emo Rap and Punk-inspired melodies, there is a reason that his audience keeps coming back for more.
Shining a bright light on the buoyant yet cognizant universe that has his most recent single “Walked Away,” blaring from the sound system, Gun Boi Kaz has collaborated with the music network and label, the afterparty project, as well as TAP to indulge fans in a rhythmic story of a relationship gone bad, leaving one partner to walk away. The other to question the choice that they have settled on.
Drenching the speakers in a vivacious take on the Pop meets Hip-hop instrumentation, the mid to up-tempo vibrations transition your focus to the heavily relied on bass components that place this track in a weight class of its own. Gun Boi Kas always delivers his reverberated timbres with a composed juxtaposition as he feeds off of the moods he provides in an unparalleled manner.
His vocalization sheds a lyrical motif that is equally thought-provoking and memorable. “Are you better now that you walked away? ‘Cause I’m not,” has us searching for our answers to day-to-day problems throughout the wholeness of the arrangement provided in “Walked Away.”
Always dividing the barriers that separate the artist from their individual personas, Gun Boi Kaz and TAP effortlessly mesh both worlds together as Gun Boi Kaz's essence continues to provide relevant content for his audience to resonate with.

Congratulations on the release of your latest track, “Walked Away.” It’s always a pleasure when we get to feature you! Could you please share what “Walked Away,” means to you as an artist and individual separate from the music?
Always a pleasure to work with you guys! “Walked Away” is a track that holds a lot of weight to it; it’s about being in love and not knowing if that connection is real. The lyrics depict watching your significant another walk away from everything and not knowing why or what to do. I personally know it’s a topic that a lot of people, unfortunately, relate to on a daily basis. This song was intended to help those people embrace their struggle and let it pass; I had to do the same.
In a previous interview with us, you mentioned that you found your sound has greatly developed. What factors do you think have played a role in this development?
My sound has really developed with my taste; whatever type of music I’m into at the time tends to be similar to what I produce. I started making music back in 2017 when Lil Pump was gaining major popularity, so I started with making hype rap. Recently, my inspirations have been artists like Machine Gun Kelly and The Kid LAROI, but I’ve also been listening to a lot of hyper-pop. My friends also really inspired the development of my sound. After I got out of a two-year-long period of treatment, I didn’t really know what direction my music was going to go or if I wanted to even continue after being away for so long. My friends are the ones who kept me on my toes, helped me build a foundation, and really start a career out of it. All of our sounds have developed together and it’s so cool seeing how much we’ve all grown so far.
With each artist varying in their creative process, how do you know when a song is complete?
Sometimes I’ll finish a song in a matter of a couple of days. Other times a song could take me months before I’m fully satisfied and am ready to release it. Being a severe perfectionist, as well as my own engineer, it’s tough deciding when a song is done or not. If there’s even one tiny blip that sounds the slightest bit off to me then the song ain’t ready for anyone to hear yet. However, living with my main producer, Jai Lalli, at school has definitely been helping me to get to a finishing point. Having another set of ears (that knows what they’re talking about) to critique your work as you go is crucial as an artist of any genre.
How does “Walked Away” hold up to other tracks that you have previously released?
Compared to my other tracks, “Walked Away” is definitely my favorite of the ones I’ve released so far. The meaning, its energy, the point in time at which I made the song; everything about it is on point and means so much. That being said, I have a bunch of tracks that are even better that are coming out very soon. My quality is only going up from here and I promise you’re not gonna leave 2021 without knowing my name.
Instagram Gun Boi Kaz