Complexity and intricacy are just a couple of words to describe the rising hip-hop collective "Sense7th". Co-created by Theo Write, he explains that the number 7 ties in perfectly with the collective's brand, as 7 represents no limits, completion, and spiritual maturity. They are providing us music to enforce one primary mission, being to spiritize the movement. Theo Write stated that he genuinely believes that his sincerity is what landed him amongst a universal family of artists striving for the same goals. Also noting that he's incredibly grateful for his tedious journey in the music industry, mentioning that the difference from past to present is like night and day.
Late one evening Theo Write hit a personal wall, which hurt even more due to the unfortunate events that have taken place in his life around that time. He did what his soul called for and prayed to the powers above for guidance, while in return showing them his journey of growth. Ever so suddenly, Theo Write's objective became vividly apparent; he realized that trusting the listener would allow him to take his audience on vastly different, heartfelt, and intricate journeys. Theo Write has been creating for numerous years, and his career surely won't be over anytime soon. Thanks to his new outlook and lucky number 7, Theo Write has fueled his fire to burn for many years to come.
Discover more from Theo Write here.

Welcome back to BuzzMusic, Theo Write! We're excited to interview you this time around and get to know you a little better. What's a day in the studio like for you, especially with Sense7th?
A day In the Studio is almost Like A Graduation... It’s A Reward For The Effort Given to A Song... We have an Unspoken Rule To Never Go In The Booth Not Fully Prepared... We Record From Home (MissAbyss and I) While Our Producer (Rustibones) does All the Sound and editing from His Location... Something we know will change in the future ... So We Appreciate the Uniqueness It Brings Now!!! So a Day in the Studio To Us depends on The Project ... We Appreciate We Can Go Wherever We Need To Get The Offering Out...
You've mentioned that Theo Write had this sort of wake up call, where you realized that trusting the listener will take your music to new places. How did this realization come about, and what helped you recognize this?
My Relationship with The Creator has always been important to me, but it was more from an External Perspective... I wasn’t pleased with The Person I was, Considering how Blessed I was. So I prayed and Asked To Be Shown The Way and In Return, I Would Show In My Way ...Eventually Coming to the name Theo Write (Theophilus Write ) Which Means A Lover Of God Writes ...
We've heard mesmerizing singles from Theo Write's co-created hip-hop group, Sense7th. Could you speak more on Sense7th? Who's involved with the collective, and what does the brand strive to represent?
Sense7th is Me, MissAbyss (Co MC and Wife and Rustibones (Sound Designer aka Producer)...7 is an Absolute Number (Without Limit) It is the Number of The Seeker and Spirit Maturity ... What We Aspire is to deliver Truth from Our perspectives with The Flavor That is the Essence of Hip Hop...
Taking a listen to Sense7th, you all provide these incredibly dynamic pieces of music. What does Theo Write personally bring to the table for Sense7th, and how do the group's differences complement each other?
Hmmm, what does Theo Bring? Kinda Dare Devilish (Lol) not the Typical MC...versatility, Able to Boom Bap with The best and next Breath Flow in a manor one Would Swear was Neo Soul or Even Folk ... A More Revealing Question Would Be What has Sense7th the Collective Brought To Theo... Life!!! MissAbyss Brings The Spirit of Woman to any and everything She touches ... The World can’t stop Her ... To The Group She Brings Her Portion Of Balance ... Rustibones, There is Not enough Space to share All He brings ... I’ve been Blessed since I started to work with the Best of Chicago Hip Hop Producers (underground) in a group setting ... This Brother Rusti is A Answer... We met Right on Time! More Than His Immense Musical Talent, He Brings A Real Brotherhood ... His Portion of Balance ...
What's next for you?
What’s Next...? We have a few Singles about to Drop also gonna Put The Album Together ... Hopefully, start getting the visuals to these Songs ... The idea was to wait till We have The Right Resources to make them Express Exactly Without Limits... and Last But Not Least, Hopefully, Rockin a Stage Near You... even if Streamed ... Stay Tunned7