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Get Lost in Christina Rose's New Release "Nocturnal"

A distant resonating call beckons you into Christina Rose's hot new track, "Nocturnal." There is a synthetic 80s tinged keyboard, reverberating in the background, you never know what's lurking in the night, or in this case, in "Nocturnal."Christina Rose is an independent pop artist currently based in Auckland, New Zealand. Creating songs infused with electro-pop and elements of R&B combines those traits with reflective lyrics that deliver a captivating musical experience.

"Nocturnal" is a story of trying to navigate a relationship in the dark and tiptoeing around one another because you never know when one may pounce. We're relieved the only "tiptoeing" we're doing at night is to get a glass of water and trying to avoid stubbing our toe on the corner of the bed. The electric vibes and sultry lyrics are expertly produced by Auckland Local and co-written by Will Henderson. With a skilled team behind her, Christina brings emotion and control to her performance, understanding the mindset it takes to sing a song like "Nocturnal." There is a very muggy aura "Nocturnal" possess; the heavy rhythmic beats are combined with steamy auras of sound, and Christina's soulful voice is so expertly crafted we have to label "Nocturnal" with an extreme heat warning.

Hello Christina, welcome to BuzzMusic. Your latest release "Nocturnal" is a fun track to vibe with. Can you tell us a bit about how this project surface for you? Hi BuzzMusic, thanks for having a chat with me. Nocturnal was a unique process actually, often I’m working on something for a long time before I take it into the studio. Nocturnal was born from one of our completely blank sessions; my producer Will (Henderson) and I sat down together and started the co-write from scratch. I had an energy in mind, I was really inspired by some Brazilian drumming and was vibing this urban and natural drum sound. We listened to few references and Will lay down a beat. The nocturnal concept came shortly after and we just threw ourselves in and wrote Nocturnal. We were so sucked into the track that day, it had a real uniqueness from what we had previously made together that we had to come back to the project a few days later and listen back and we were like hey this is cool! You and your producer and fellow co-writer were able to create a real atmosphere on this track. You really reflected a dark soundscape that resembles the night itself. How were you and your team able to create that? I think it all stemmed from the drums with this one. The rhythm was really fun to write melody lines over. Will had this idea to create a spacious chorus which I think gives this open night sky feel. It contrasts with the verse which is more melodic and wordy, then into this driving pre-chorus then opens up into this catchy but spacious chorus to create a feeling of push and pull. It was fun to decorate with vocal textures and I’m obsessed with the animal sounds Will put in. We threw ourselves into an animalistic energy while creating this one and I’m glad it’s come through. How are you hoping to expand your music career? First and foremost I want to keep creating and sharing music that is authentic to me, hoping that it catches on and that other people love it too. I see myself hitting the festival scene and can’t wait to build up more of a fan base in the US and Europe. The NZ music industry is so special but it can’t stop here for me. Where do you draw from to become inspired enough to follow a thought you might have with a new song? As much as movement, travel, change, and external shifts bring up so much lyrical and musical energy in me, I am such an internalised creator. Ultimately, my daydreams can take me further than any plane or life shift and I really feel like the deeper I dig in to that the more abundantly I create. What's next for you, Christina Rose? I am definitely in what I call a “writing phase” now. It’s exciting as the “execution phase” of One Step (the ep) has finished and I’m deciding what the next release is going to be. There are a few strong contenders! I will tee this up with some more live shows. It looks like NZ festival season is going ahead, despite all the barriers due to Covid. So hopefully that might create some work too... That should see me through until international travel opens back up. Feeling a real pull toward some projects in LA in the near future



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