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Get Back In Your Groove With Julian Shah-Tayler's Single "Secret"


The singer/songwriter from Leeds UK, Julian Shah-Tayler, releases his high energy single "Secret". The classically trained pianist and self-taught guitarist decided to conjure up the energy of L.A.'s nightlife and create a song that gets us ready to hit the clubs again. Julian Shah-Tayler's latest single "Secret" surrounds forgetting your worries for one night, and finally getting back to the parties better than ever. With groovy alt-rock instrumentals and Julian Shah-Tayler sharp vocals, "Secret" is truly a perfect track to turn up before you hit the town. Julian Shah-Tayler brings energy back to life with this single, from top to bottom.

Opening "Secret" with pulsing rhythm guitar, kicking drum patterns, and a steady bass line, it's not long after that Julian Shah-Tayler fires through the track with his electrifying vocals. His lyrics are incredibly creative, truly highlighting his vast songwriting capabilities. Even incorporating brass elements at the pre-chorus, "Secret" runs so high on energy with each aspect that makes our feet tap. Julian Shah-Tayler sings fun-loving lyrics like "I've got this feeling in my bones that we are never going home", really making us miss those long nights with our friends. Julian Shah-Tayler's instrumentation on "Secret" is extremely anthemic, and his lyrics deliver the same feeling. Don't miss out on Julian Shah-Tayler's exhilarating single "Secret", as it'll be playing in your head for weeks to come.

Hey Julian Shah-Tayler, welcome to BuzzMusic! Your latest single "Secret" is incredibly anthemic and brings out lots of energy. What initially inspired you to write this single, and why did you choose to release it now?

I wrote secret when I first left university and moved to London. I’d been cooped up in institutions of learning for around 13 years with very little opportunity to do my own thing, (although I had spent a lot of the latter time exploring substances and Sex) my girlfriend and I were suddenly in the largest place we’d ever seen. Everywhere there were coffee shops, bars, restaurants, and clubs. York had one club. London has about 1 per street as it seemed. We were big dance music fans and my girlfriend was in fashion so we took full advantage of the nightlife. I used to go out to a bar on old Compton street in SoHo, London, and sit with my notepad writing lyrics and poetry ready to make into songs. Secret came to me while I was in that bar getting ready for another riotous night of absinthe cocktails followed by glam clubbing. Soho is positively throbbing with lights, life, and noise.... It’s the literal story of that experience. 

The instrumentals on your single "Secret" are so lively and bring out such positive emotions. Where did Julian Shah-Tayler want to take the instrumentals, what did you want listeners to feel for themselves?

I wanted the instrumentation to be funky, electronic, danceable, and relatable so people could experience the exuberance of getting ready for a night of clubbing and craziness. Something life-enhancing and changing. 

Seeing as Julian Shah-Tayler performs, produces, and writes your own music, what's it like working with other producers to help fine-tune your songs? Do you have a favorite experience in mind?

I work with other producers when I can. It’s always wonderful to learn new tricks. Robert Margouleff (who co-produced secret with me) has such an incredible history with brilliant music like Stevie wonder, Devo and Depeche Mode. He taught me so many things about the funk, how to balance frequencies in sound, and the interplay between instruments. My fundamental musical intention is altered each time I learn something new about making music. Right now MGT has put his goth rock magic on a few new songs, so I’m learning POWER moves for some of my songs! 

We've heard that Julian Shah-Tayler went from Leeds England to Los Angeles CA. What have you noticed in terms of the music scenes, how does Leeds differ from Los Angeles?

I can’t speak to Leeds for the music scene, as I have never lived there as an adult but London’s scene was incredibly varied compared to the LOS ANGELES scene I’ve been exposed to. Pay for play is a very disappointing part of LA music world.  There’s a much more disparate and complex musical landscape in London. 

What can fans anticipate next from you Julian Shah-Tayler? We can't wait to hear what's next from you!

Next I’m preparing a slew of releases. One a month from now on til infinity. I have over 400 songs, and at least 40 unreleased ones. So that’s the intention. I’m performing a show a week on Facebook live whilst the pandemic still rages. I hope to play real live shows when the opportunity arises. I’m performing and recording as much as I can. Some of my new stuff has some very special collaborations/guests like David J (Bauhaus) Nick Zinner (yeah yeah yeahs) I’m also producing and remixing for a number of artists, famous and otherwise. I’m very excited to see what the next year brings.....


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