Welcome to BuzzMusic! Your tracks have many layers and different concepts. What’s the overall theme you try to achieve with your music?
I’m trying to spread a positive message and awareness to those who have been through the same struggles that I’ve been through and to let them know they’re not alone. I like to be the voice for others.
What do you hope your listeners take away from your tracks?
I want them to enjoy my music and the Good Vibes and know that there’s a positive message behind it.... at the end of the day there are others out there that have experienced hardships and there’s hope.
If you had to pick just one song in your collection to adequately describe your sound, which song would you choose and why?
It’s hard to narrow it down just to one song Because I’m a versatile artist and my sounds depend on my mood when writing to be honest.
Can you dive into details about the lyricism in “Pills” and “Dear Hip Hop"? What inspired both of these songs?
Pills with based on my life experiences growing up and the struggles with prescription drugs as many experience in life trying to numb the pain of their reality.
And Dear Hip Hop was basically a song to pay homage to those who influenced and inspired me throughout my life and career.
What song in your repertoire would say caused you the most challenges? How were you able to overcome those challenges?
Memories was probably the most difficult song that I wrote and recorded because I’d recently just lost both my parents and it was raw emotion to talk about but to be honest with you the whole experience of releasing those emotions and expressing them was very therapeutic for me and that’s what got me through.
What do you hope to achieve as a hip-hop artist through the end of 2019?
To be recognized as a talented diverse artist not only from my city but all over the world. For people to hear my music and my messages through it. Lastly for my new EP Elixir and Elixir vol.2 dropping at the beginning of October 2019 to be downloaded and streamed by all.