We’re incredibly excited to feature your hit “Wish You Could Be My Girl”. Could you share with us some of your biggest artistic influences?
First off, thank you for having me as a feature! I really appreciate it. I have a vast collection of artistic influences, going back a few decades, I’d say Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson and Garth Brooks. Growing up, I listened to every genre of music, but I loved listening to classic rock because that was what my dad liked. So I have some artistic influences like Bob Seger and Foreigner from that genre of music. I also have a lot of current artistic influences, such as Luke Combs, Keith Urban, and Luke Bryan. I just love the way they write lyrics and what they do musically.
Your description and detail are amazing. Growing up, what came easier to you; writing lyrics or writing music?
I’d say writing music came to me a little easier than writing lyrics. Oftentimes I will just pick up my guitar and melodies will just pop into my head. Lyric writing is a whole different animal. I would say I have grown tremendously as a lyric writer, and the more I continue to write and hone in on my craft, the better my lyric writing continues to be.
Congratulations on your bachelor’s degree! And you’re currently working on your master's, quite the accomplishments. How do you find time to fit your music career with school?
It’s been tough, but it all comes down to time management. I always set time aside to work on my music because that’s what I love to do. I treat my music career like a job; although it doesn’t feel like a job, I have to put the work in to be better than I was yesterday. Just being able to find an hour or so every day goes a long way in the development of my music career and gets me one step closer to my end goal.
“Wish You Could Be My Girl” has some beautiful and meaningful lyrics! Do you write mostly from experience or from a fictional standpoint?
I always try to add a little personal experience to my songs, but I don’t want to make it so personal that it doesn’t relate to other people. There is a fine balance I think, and that’s what I try to accomplish. I think the majority of my songs have some sort of personal experience behind them, and I think that’s needed to truly get across the message of the song.
What advice would you give to other upcoming independent artists, bands or musicians?
Keep going. Hard work and dedication are needed in this industry. It’s a slow-moving industry, and fame won’t happen overnight. You have to put in the work every day, build your fanbase, and no matter how many times someone tells you “no”, just remember that its just “no” for right now. Keep looking ahead and moving forward. Believe in yourself and don’t let anyone discourage you.