Max Satow yearns for the divine exploration of the human psyche. Finding a fascinating niche as a singer-songwriter, he fuses these discoveries with a wildly eclectic blend of hip-hop, funk, jazz, alt-rock, and his self-styled indie-hop. The NYC singer-songwriter and his popular collective Noshows' allow their music to delve deep into the mind's inner workings. The core mission is to use music to bring people together and promote collective understanding. This stands especially true through the melodies of this release, "Slow Up," which is perhaps the world's first 'feel good' single about personal struggles with anxiety.
Fueled with a vibrant and unforgiving quintessence that emphasizes a bolstered tempo, there's a sense of urgency and whimsy behind the band's latest single. Constructing instrumentation so catchy you couldn't forget it if you tried, the musical foundation embeds intense grooves that transport you to a destination where you come to terms with the dwelling mental health issues many in the world face. Wrapped up in the mesmerizing compounds of "Slow Up," the lyrical motifs discuss a narrative rich in truth and finish with the velvety textures of Max Satow's honest croons.
The verses are actual and instantly simmer in your mind, while the hook is anthemic and makes you want to scream it from the rooftops. It breathes with the perfect post-pandemic advice for coping with stress and being okay with the hand you were dealt. Max Satow proudly says, "The song 'Slow Up' encourages intentionally slowing down when life becomes too fast-paced. I've realized how crucial it is to step back and evaluate my well-being since it significantly impacts my mental state. The chorus is a good reminder that it's okay to pause and chill out for a minute. Maybe we all need to slow down and give ourselves a break. In doing so, we can tackle challenges with more energy and clarity of mind."
Recruiting the artistic stylings of femme-lyricist and L.A.'s own AUD, we're graciously opened up to a feature that implodes upon impact with the power of self. Her high-octane rap simmers with glimmers of a wild and daring persona which come off unapologetic as she rapidly fires off rhymes from the heart. The quickly emerging talents of AUD make sense on this track, and the sonic contrasts throughout "Slow Up" get us genuinely excited about where music is headed again.
Written and produced by Satow, the edgy, trippy, infectiously funky track is now available on all platforms - and we're glad it is. Noshows can now help their audience going through the same struggles as they find moments of hope they can relate to.
Welcome to BuzzMusic, Noshows! Congratulations on the release of the sincere “Slow Up.” In this day and age, it can be easy to fester in the negativity our mental health issues bring us, but your lighthearted twist makes us feel joyful with the mark it’s leaving. What inspired you to take this approach to the song?
As an anxious person, I tend to look for music that relays a message I either relate to or calms me down and provides reassurance. I wanted to create a song that did both, so I tried to relay my feelings towards my anxiety while letting fans who suffer similarly know that you don’t always have to travel at the same speed in this fast-paced world. It’s something I have to remind myself every day!
Knowing that, did the lyrics or instrumentation come first? When you create music, do you prefer the sequence you create in, or does anything fly during the creative process?
Instrumentation came first! I started by making a beat that happened to be super upbeat and had feel-good vibes. After coming up with some melodies I felt were catchy, I felt this type of message would suit the track perfectly. I usually approach songs with a solid beat that creates energy, then add Melodies, and finally top it with lyrics that match the atmosphere.
What was it like collaborating with hip-hop artist and multi-instrumentalist AUD to bring a dynamic take to this record? How did you come to connect?
We never actually met face-to-face while the song was being recorded and written. AUD Was recommended to me through Seth von Paulus, who does all my latest mixes. I sent her the track, and she quickly returned with a verse that suited the song perfectly.
This may be more of a vulnerable question, but, Max, we know certain hardships have taken you to a place where you wish better on the world and seek change through your mental health advocacy. What can you tell us about your mental health hub, Magnify the Mind? How can your audience learn more about this resource and be involved?
Magnify the Mind is a community I created to help people navigate anxiety through music and pop-up events. It’s mission is to create safe spaces and raise awareness about mental health. Artists are effected heavily by mental health issues. I’ve had my own personal struggles with it and especially with a career as unorthodox as being an artist, it’s easy to feel lost. My goal with Magnify the Mind is to create a supportive and creative culture where people are welcomed to be exactly who they are and cultivate friendships through music and art. For those who like to become more involved there’s instagram for the page @magnifythemind that you can follow for updates. In the near future we will be hosting our first pop-up event, showcasing creatives from the NYC area. Partial proceeds from events and any Magnify the Mind merch sold go directly to the Jed Foundation, which aids in mental health struggles among young adults.
What’s next for you?
I hope to continuously build my community through my music as Noshows and Magnify the Mind. I also look forward to writing and releasing some new music soon and continuing to perform.