Detroit brings a hustling, bustling, and downright compelling electric rock band to the music world, and they go by the name Edison Hollow.
Consisting of members Tyler Chernoff (lead vocals, rhythm guitar,) Jordon Stockdale (lead guitar, backing vocals,) David Alan Vida (bass, backing vocals), and Aaryn Lindow (drums,) Edison Hollow are known to take on an eclectic, melodic style that stimulates many senses. Their latest blood-pumping release, "What's So Funny? (Pearl Mix)," offers a simplistic narrative with fun and rousing rhythms.
"What's So Funny?" brings a toe-tapping melody right from the jump, and Tyler's vocals offer the perfect explosive range you'd expect from any great rock artist. First, expect a slow-paced piece to guide you into the song. Then, prepare for a severe blood rush once you arrive at the chorus, as Edison Hollow doesn't hold back with their vigor, and in the process, proves their stamina is shockingly high.
Recorded with David Misevith of Oxide Audio at Tuxedo Avenue Studios, "What's So Funny?" was meant to be straightforward with its meaning. Picture the incredible turmoil many endured during the past year. Now, picture the collection of emotions that ensued. "What's So Funny?" as a means to get the idea that everyone should love themselves and each other all the same, as well as project kindness wherever one can.
Edison Hollow's song is paired with a music video release, in which the band captures the essence of the song in a picturesque way. Filmed and edited by Kevin Lynch, the video for "What's So Funny?" took place at many locations, including The Grande Ballroom and the Sacred Heart Seminary. All in all, you're in for a real treat with Edison Hollow, whether that's with the pure auditory experience or with their visual experience, "What's So Funny?" will succeed in affecting listeners either way.
Welcome to BuzzMusic Edison Hollow. What kind of emotions is circulating in the group now that "What's So Funny" has been released? Did the song receive the type of response the band was expecting?
Thank you for getting in touch! It's a pleasure. The feeling is satisfied. Honestly, I don't think we had any real expectations regarding the song's response. We more so saw it as an opportunity to connect, communicate to our fans and bear our hearts a little bit to them. But we are all happy with it; the love and feedback on it have been amazing.
What kind of thoughts were you trying to provoke out of your audience with "What's So Funny?"
Generally speaking, the idea is to love others as you do yourself, but going a little deeper on that, we wanted it to make people think deeper and hope that it inspires them to feel a little more before they act out of spite or prejudice. It also highlights the aspect of having these thoughts while not necessarily having the same struggles as others who may have it worse and the dichotomy that can manifest. Everyone deserves to love, and we want to help be a voice for that.
Can you elaborate on what led to the fruition of "What's So Funny?"
It was written while the George Floyd and Breonna Taylor protests were happening and seeing how justifiably hurt and outraged many people were. We thought a lot about that, and it brought us back to the race riots in 1943 and 1967 and how racism is still such a huge problem today and thinking about the people who carry around this unbridled hate and malice over none of us can control. We wanted this to message that we need to move on from this and come together as one. The more divided we are, the more the elite corporate win.
How was the band's experience with constructing the music video for "What's So Funny?"
The construction and shooting were enjoyable; our friend Kevin Lynch nailed it.
Going with the song's theme, we wanted to highlight places of significant cultural and historical relevance in Detroit. You'll see places like the Grande ballroom and the Joe Louis fists, and that's all well and cool- But you're also going to see us walking the bridge on Belle isle, the starting point of the 1943 riots. You'll also see a few shots of a statue of Jesus painted black in front of the sacred heart seminary. That was a product of the '67 riots, and as a sign of solidarity with the community, the church has kept it that way since. That kind of solidarity is the true spirit of Detroit to us, and we wanted to convey that. As more of a fun and lighthearted easter egg, we are all dressed in colors representing different Horsemen of the Apocalypse, with our instruments being our 'horses,' so to speak. Tyler is War, Jordon is Death, David is pestilence, and Aaryn is Famine.
What's next for Edison Hollow?
We are constantly working on something, but who knows? We want to get out on the road and tour, but apparently, there's some flu going around? For now, we are just working away and writing new material. But with fans like ours, anything is possible, so it's really up to them. They are as much of a part of this as we are.