Death By Piano recently released “Newer Light” and this distinctive masterpiece will leave its mark on you. “Newer Light” is an ambient single that is fused with electronic elements reconstructed by the vocalist lush voice to create an expansive experience that you won’t forget. The instrumentation has worldly synths and strings that formulated a dream-like atmosphere, while the vocals are soft, hazy, and augmented. The aesthetics of “Newer Light” instrumentation are wrapped up in cymbal crashes and extravagant drum loops. “Newer Light” builds the dramatics as the song progresses, making a theatrical but dynamic musical presentation. This single captures you with its instrumentation and connects with our emotions due to the passionate lyricism and poignant chords. The vocalist who goes by the name of KALEN in Death By Piano conveys great emotion while delivering a canorous melody.
“Newer Light” is a piece of work that represents how music can define what art is. The arrangement is an example of intriguing creativity that makes the music stand out. Death By Piano plays with inflection to generate the perfect mood. The combination of KALEN and Greywolf’s musicality is mixed together to formulate an incredible fusion. “Newer Light” has complex components throughout the song that made it multi-dimensional as opposed to a bland surface single. With melodies that seeps into your brain, the bar is raised by this dynamic duo.
Listen to “Newer Light” by Death By Piano here.

Welcome to BuzzMusic Death By Piano! How did the creation of this duo occur? What made you guys decide to pursue music together? Were you both pursuing any solo endeavors prior?
K: We used to be in a project -- KST (Ropeadope Records) -- where we’d carpools home from rehearsal together and share our favorite downtempo music with each other. Then, GW started showing beats he was working on and I loved them and needed to sing on them. Then, I started writing some things in a similar vein and before we knew it we were collaborating on a bunch of songs. Currently, in addition to DBP, GW is in a touring project called Escaper and releasing solo music under his Greywolf. KALEN has a self-titled solo project and plays with the Late Sea.
“Newer Light” had an atmospheric production in which we loved. What arrangements did you seek to ensure this? Can you detail to us your creative process behind “Newer Light” and how you were able to curate dream-like instrumentation?
GW: I began this song as an instrumental. I originally had no intention of adding vocals. For this reason, I filled out the arrangement in a different way with vocal-like synths and strings. Although vocals were added in the end, the arrangement stayed the same, retaining its dreamy, atmospheric qualities.
K: Once GW showed me the start to this track, we thought it might be a full instrumental piece and even played it this way at a show, improvising on top of it, me on keys and GW on guitar. However, then GW laid down some vocals and I dug them and loved a particular single line in it: Newer Light. We played with repeating this, making it more of a mantra and adding a soaring chorus with the same punch line. I added some keys and synth atop GW’s already lush production and we kicked it over to No Surrender (who we worked with on much of the Countdown EP) for a final pass of production sparkle.
What’s the main theme we’re dealing with in “Newer Light”? How would you describe your songwriting approach and the inspiration behind the lyrics? How does the song title reflect on the meaning for you?
GW: This song is a wish for a better existence. Finding a love that compliments you, finding your foothold in a space of pure energy.
K: Well said. It’s about being able to turn towards love and light - even when it feels unfamiliar and uncomfortable. It’s about blossoming when you feel like shrinking and that while we need to be able to do that for ourselves, the people we are intimate with can help us on that path. And the importance of letting them help.
What was the biggest challenge faced when making “Newer Light” and how did the challenge impact your growth as an artist? What were you able to learn from the obstacle?
K: This song, in particular, didn’t present any great challenges. Not that we’re strangers to obstacles and challenges, but this song was smooth sailing.
GW: The biggest impact can be the meshing of Kalen and my writing styles. We essentially write from different ends of the song so at times it’s difficult to merge our lyrical and sonic perspectives.
K: When this happens, a song will usually end us being a solo idea for one or the other. DBP songs are the confluence of a common thread where our differences enhance the whole.
What can we expect to see from Death By Piano in 2020?
GW: New music.
K: 2 more singles -- in Feb and March -- and then the release of our next EP -- THE HELLISH EP. It will be a big year.