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Daigo Matsuyama Takes A Courageous Step Forward In "Change"

The New-York based singer-songwriter dreams of a brighter tomorrow in his new uplifting single.

Daigo Matsuyama is no stranger to change. Born and raised in Japan but currently based in New York, Daigo's diverse background gave him a wealth of experiences from which to draw musical inspiration. Although he would learn piano at the relatively late age of 26 (at a Baptist Church, no less), Daigo would eagerly hone his craft, fully embracing the culture and jamming and singing with his African American friends.

Befitting his diverse upbringing, Daigo's musical influences are equally diverse. He is known to draw from American and Japanese pop, soul, jazz, and R&B. Although his jam sessions were undoubtedly an important catalyst to his musical growth, Daigo would also perform locally at churches, festivals, and charity events. He is undoubtedly a musician of the people; his music is linked to communities on a grassroots level that is increasingly rare among his peers.

"Change" is the latest result of Daigo's musical growth. Over soulful, gospel-induced instrumentals accentuated by his signature keyboard, Daigo takes us on a musical journey that feels unmistakably uplifting. Lines like "You can change from anywhere / Draw a big shining dream" are delivered with a simply soothing sincerity.

This comes as no surprise; at its core, Daigo's "Change" sounds like a conversation with a close friend, a testament to his growth as a musical artist and a person. As Daigo says, "As long as your heart is beating, trust me, You have the courage to take a step forward in life." With "Change," Daigo has definitely taken a step forward.

Daigo's "Change" is a beautiful, sincere ode to the endless possibilities the future can bring and the great capacity for positive change that resides within us all. Tap in and listen to "Change," available now on all major streaming platforms.

We loved "Change." The energy and message were so sincere that I think it resonated with all of us. But, we have to ask, what was the inspiration behind "Change"? Was it drawn from personal experiences or desires?

Thank you, BuzzMusic. Change is completely my personal experience. It was created based on the fact that I was enjoying myself as a musician and singer at first, but after experiencing disappointments and things that didn't go well, every day became the same, and I lost motivation. It is a song that I wrote that the trick is to carry on the image that it will be fun after all.

So, you were born and raised in Japan, but now you're based in New York. What's the biggest difference you've noticed in the music scenes there, and how do you think each scene has influenced your growth as an artist?

Music is a part of everyday life in America. Live music is everywhere. In my case, I started singing and playing the piano in a church in Harlem, New York, and I feel that the music has been passed down. By singing with singers older than me in the choir and by being taught by them, the techniques they acquired and the music they listened to at that time are included. I feel that their experience is directly passed down to my Japanese self. Japanese music focuses on beautiful melodies, but American music is all about rhythm.

So you've played at many festivals, churches, charity events, and the likes. Is there any particular performance that stands out to you as your favorite, and why?

Live is always a fun and emotional experience. When I sang while playing the piano at an event at my church, my friend's singer who sang with me was very emotional and divine, and I was really moved by the fact that I was playing the piano. I felt that music and songs can sway people's emotions with their presence and voice. Being influenced by that voice, I was able to reach a place where both my piano and singing were wonderful. And, of course, the audience. The female friend I sang with is a top backing vocalist for Alicia Keys, Lil'Kim, and others.

You recently released your new album, "City Lights." What was it like to bring this project to life, and what message would you like your fans to take away from this album?

Hope. Believe in yourself. Yeah, Please listen to my album!

What's next for Daigo Matsuyama? Do you have any goals for the new year?

I want to release an album as soon as next year. I keep making it little by little. Also, I would like to meet new fans not only in NY but also in America with my band on a small tour.


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