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Cole Pryor Tugs on Our Heartstrings in "Free Me From My Mind (feat. Momantic)"

Hailing from Memphis, Tennessee, the multi-instrumentalist, producer, singer-songwriter, and alternative artist Cole Pryor teams up with vocalist/musician Momantic for their emotionally charged single, "Free Me From My Mind (feat. Momantic)."

Cole Pryor is a strong advocate for mental health and coping with domestic abuse. At the mere age of 24, Cole Pryor has endured incredibly troubling and unfortunate experiences, most of which stem from his late father, who sadly ended his life in 2017. Through his cinematic sound, Cole Pryor reminds listeners that our trauma does not define us while also enlightening them on Pryor's personal perspective.

Now releasing his poignant and compelling single, "Free Me From My Mind (feat. Momantic)," Cole Pryor and Momantic delve into the depths of despair while wishing to be freed from the inner thoughts and demons that continue to linger.

As we plunge into "Free Me From My Mind (feat. Momantic)," the song opens with a wavy and vibrant synth arrangement alongside haunting piano melodies and Cole Pryor's powerful and melodic vocals. While he drenches us in minor chords and introspection, Cole Pryor expands on the gut-wrenching feeling of being trapped in his mind and wishing to flee his internal struggles.

As a rolling crash of thunder takes us through a cinematic transition, Momantic makes her breathy and warm vocal appearance while enlightening listeners on her struggles and coping with the harshness and pain she's experienced. We genuinely adore the authenticity and reality of this song, as it reminds listeners to reach out for help when they're in need.

Catch Cole Pryor's latest single, "Free Me From My Mind (feat. Momantic)," on all digital streaming platforms, and keep an eye out for his forthcoming debut EP, 'Perspective,' later this year.

Thank you for joining us at BuzzMusic Cole, what an emotional and relatable listening experience you've provided with your recent single, "Free Me From My Mind (feat. Momantic)." What pushed you to release this compelling piece?

Thank you so much for the opportunity! Well like all the songs off my EP Perspective, this song has intense meaning. But once I had the record finished I knew this had to be a single. I felt especially during these troubling times, everyone could relate to struggling with mental health issues. We all experience something in our lives that causes this phenomenon. I wanted to show people that may be struggling that they are not alone. Taking to those who you can trust can really help better deal with what’s going on, but obviously, everyone is different but for me personally talking and sharing my experiences has really helped improve my mental health! That is why I felt this song was the right choice as a single!

What drew you to the stylings of Momantic to feature on your single, "Free Me From My Mind (feat. Momantic)?" Have you worked together in the past?

Momantic and I wrote pretty much every song on this record together, they are extremely talented! We’ve been working together for the past few years and we both just work extremely well together. I thought their voice would complement mine extremely well and I couldn’t think of ANYONE better to have sung this song with me!

What was your overall creative process like with Momantic when writing your lyrics for "Free Me From My Mind (feat. Momantic)?" Was it challenging to be so vulnerable during this process?

Since I’ve been writing with Momantic for so long now, I think we have developed an extremely open and honest friendship, during the process of not just this song but all the songs we wrote for the record (some of which didn’t make the record) we had so many conversations discussing my past trauma with my father and all he put my family through. The process was actually a pretty fast one lyrically. One day I sat down at the piano and I wrote my verse, and chorus. Knowing Momantic had also been dealing with mental health issues, I knew they not only should be a co-writer, but Momantic should be a feature. So I sent Mo a text and asked if they would want to be a part of the song, and Mo immediately said yes! I sent over my verse and chorus and not too long after we had Mos verse and we worked on the bridge! The most challenging part was producing the track. It went through many different forms before I was hit with the idea to take the song into a more cinematic experience. I think it turned out really well and it truly all came together perfectly. It’s definitely one of my favorites off the record, and one of my favorite songs I’ve produced!

Could you drop any hints regarding your forthcoming debut EP, 'Perspective?' Do you have a particular theme or concept within the project?

I can’t give too much away! But I will say it’s definitely an alternative pop record, full of synths, heavy subject matter, and catchy hooks! Every song has something to say, no word is wasted. The record is called Perspective for a reason. After the passing of my abusive father, I and my family took a lot of time to heal and try to live a somewhat normal life. For people who deal with domestic abuse, life after abuse is extremely difficult. You go through so much and change who you are to try and keep the peace, so trying to undo all those habits was challenging. I had to gain some perspective, I had to take time to better understand myself, my situation, and my life, and I wanted out of it. The theme of this record is definitely understanding, and it definitely was a healing experience for me and one I can’t wait to share with everyone!

What's next for you?

I’m preparing for the release of Perspective which comes out on August 13th! I just moved back to Memphis TN, so at the moment I’m kinda establishing a routine for music, and figuring out my new life. I just started production on my first full-length album, I’m still working with my vocal coach but I am bringing a new team from Memphis to the next project. I’m gonna be preparing for the first Perspective Livestream, and plan on doing as many shows as I can! I’ll be traveling to Nashville as well as promote my record! Things are looking up and I couldn’t be more excited!


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