Welcome to BuzzMusic, Sierra Miles. We're excited to chat with you about your recent brand and music shift. What inspired you to transition from pop to rock and change your name from CC Miles to Sierra Miles?
CC Miles was my childhood nickname. I started releasing music under CC Miles at a young age and I had a lot of time to experiment with who I wanted to be as an artist. As I grew up I started gravitating towards listening to more and more rock music. When I started writing songs inspired by rock music, everything changed. I feel like I found a sound that feels right. It’s so different from my previous releases that I don’t feel like the name CC Miles belongs to it. I even felt like a different person when I was writing the album. So I decided to go by my birth name Sierra.
How do you think your audience will react to your musical transition? Do you feel that they're prepared and excited to see you broaden your horizons and take on a new brand/sound?
I think they are definitely looking forward to it. I teased a few new songs and they helped to successfully fund a Kickstarter campaign for the album. I was so surprised and grateful that they were encouraging me to take on this new direction. I think they can see that this shift is very important to me and they can feel that passion shines through the material they have heard already.
Could you elaborate on some past successes you've had when under the name CC Miles? Did you solely create pop music, or were you still exploring different sounds/approaches?
I had been releasing music under CC Miles since I was 13. I experimented with different genres like pop country, singer/songwriter, and electronic pop. It was all a great experience and I learned so much from taking on those genres at a young age. The music I always gravitated towards was rock, especially 90’s alternative rock, but I continued with a pop sound because I thought that was what people wanted to hear. Eventually, I tried writing some rock songs and they just began to pour out. They are some of my favorite songs I have ever written and I felt everything from my vocals to my songwriting to my stage presence come alive when I transitioned to rock music. It felt so much more like me.
We've heard that you're currently working on a new project. Do you have any musical or artistic influences that have inspired the project's sound and concept?
I was listening to a lot of 90’s rock and classic rock when I was writing this album. Some of my influences are Guns N Roses, Queen, Pink Floyd, Fleetwood Mac, Aerosmith, Oasis, The Cranberries, blink-182, Third Eye Blind, Matchbox 20, and Alanis Morissette. My music definitely has a nostalgic vibe to it because of these influences.
Could you drop any hints as to what listeners should expect from your forthcoming singles? Will they all be featured on your upcoming album?
“Funeral For My Morals” is the first single and it’s definitely the one that shows the transition in a dramatic way. It’s a song about self-sabotage and pushing everybody who loves you away because you believe you don’t deserve them. This is the song that inspired the rest of the album. Over the summer I have two more singles coming out, “Don’t Mess Me Up” is a bonus summer single and “Whore” is another release to promote the album.