Hailing from West London (UK), the producer and sound designer has always had a knack for creating atmospheric soundscapes with darker themes. Blending natural and electronic instrumentals, Benjamin Digby is known for his detailed and authentic approach. Through his latest single "Celestial Orders," we're met with a complex blend of organic and electronic instrumentals that exude this dark and contemplative atmosphere. With a steady mid-tempo beat and the absence of vocal arrangements, the track lets us find a meaning of our own within the transcendent production Benjamin Digby has provided.
"Celestial Orders" opens with airy background pads that liven up the atmosphere with incredible spaciousness. Once these bright keyboard synthesizers begin slowly making their way into the track, Benjamin Digby feeds us organic drum patterns, giving the song a human touch. We can hear this celestial inspiration as the synths are very sci-fi inspired and have us wandering the ecliptic plane. Within different sections of the track, Benjamin Digby hits us with these dynamic sonics that drift from a darker atmosphere to one above the clouds. With phenomenal use of organic and electronic instrumentation, we feel right at home amid the vibe Benjamin Digby has delivered.
We're loving this unique approach to dark electronic, as Benjamin Digby's single "Celestial Orders" lands us amongst the stars.
Welcome to BuzzMusic, Benjamin Digby! We're genuinely mesmerized by your deep electronic single "Celestial Orders." Did you want to incorporate a particular theme or atmosphere within the track?
Thank you, being mesmerized is good to hear. I think I can't help but have an atmosphere within any of my tracks, they all have a certain moody feel. With ‘Celestial Orders’ though it was all about high energy and urgency, with a dose of an uneasy feeling of being chased thrown in for good measure.
"Celestial Orders" features no vocals, did you want to keep the track purely electronic so that listeners can create meaning of their own?
Celestial Orders is part of the upcoming album ‘Dark Adaptation’ which is a full electronic instrumental collection of tracks. The idea was to take inspiration from films from the past and create a collection of tracks. I grew up listening to the 80s/90s and loved the old horrors, thrillers, and action movies. I always found that soundtrack based music was emotive and carried you on a journey whether on-screen or listening with eyes closed. Having vocals can easily help with setting a mood, just by the way a vocalist is singing a song. So it's a challenge to convey the story or journey of a track using no vocals. I want the listener to imagine a story and have a moment of ‘daydreaming’ based on what they are listening to, that becomes their own story and not one which is being led by words.
"Celestial Orders" features deep electronic production, yet with natural drum patterns. Why did you want to incorporate natural instrumentation alongside electronic production?
Drums are where the energy comes from for me, they can set the tone, pace, and overall feel of a track. Having organic drums brings a totally different energy, I wanted the drums to drive the track and have more impact and be upfront. Also again, it comes down to imagery, when you hear drums you can imagine a drummer playing hard, and that again can get the listener involved. I love electronic drums, you can create some crazy patterns and complex sounds, but the natural, no-nonsense sound of a real kit adds a completely different feeling. Or maybe I just wanted to rock out on this one.
Your overall approach and sound are incredibly unique. What led you to this authentic and different sound/style?
I take inspiration from music that I listen to. However, I write what I feel. Which seems to always edge towards the darker atmospheric side. Even though I’m a happy soul, maybe it's an outlet for me. I’ve written happy upbeat for other projects I’ve been involved with, but when it comes to my own work, my “sound” will come through. I think that's a good thing though if someone can hear a track and think, that sounds like Benjamin Digby who wrote that, then great.. Hopefully, they like it as well. I know I won't be for everyone’s pallet and I’m cool with that.
Have you seen much change in your music over time?
Yes, for sure. I wrote with the idea of what the listener would want to hear and not what I wanted to express. Until I switched that thinking, I wasn’t really happy with the work I was creating. This was a good thing, during this time there were a lot of other things which had more influence as to where I was in my life, and I wasn’t ready to take that jump into forging a career in music. So it allowed me to develop to where I am today. Things happen at the right times for the right reasons.
What has been keeping you inspired throughout 2020?
My new project, plus some collaborations with some other artists. I have a few singles that I have written, which are out on release after the Dark Adaptation album is out fully. The new project that is underway will be cool. It will have a lot of vocal lead songs, but still dark, moody, and a hell of a lot of synth work going on...