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Bekka Dowland Spins Tales Of Love & Growth In New EP ‘Failures & Fairytales’

From Western Massachusetts, country-pop sensation Bekka Dowland unveils her heartfelt new 6-track EP, Failures & Fairytales.

This 27-year-old singer-songwriter grew up on a mix of country classics and pop hits. Inspired by Taylor Swift, Bekka started writing poems and stories at a young age. Her unique sound blends country roots with fresh, modern vibes. In her newest EP, Failures & Fairytales, Bekka takes listeners on an emotional journey through love, heartbreak, and self-discovery.

The project kicks off with the upbeat intro track, "Gravity," a groovy song that kicks the EP into gear. Its irresistible instrumentation and catchy vocals are the tip of the iceberg, but the larger-than-life brass section keeps us locked in for the ride. Bekka Dowland expands on life's trials and tribulations, especially on someone who tends to keep her down, like "Gravity." It's an angsty, powerful song highlighting how we must never let someone else stop us from spreading our wings.

Moving on to track two, "Christopher's Song," this passionate and introspective country-esque tune features warm instrumentation and Bekka Dowland's storytelling lyrics about falling in love at 16—thinking their future is bright in that fairytale. But she realized quickly how everything could change. This song asks Christopher various questions: How's the family? How's the jeep? Did he settle down by the sea like he always wanted? And does he think of her like she thinks of him?

The emotions run high in the EP's third track, "Fairytale," a slower, more down-tempo tune with shimmering piano keys and tender acoustic guitar, allowing Bekka Dowland's lush vocals to shine through. While expanding on a breakup a few summers ago, she makes one thing clear: this person might be irreplaceable. It's a raw, honest portrayal of post-breakup emotions that will connect listeners to Dowland's relatable, compelling lyrics.

And just like that, Bekka Dowland is moving from those breakup blues to a snappy, empowering track that channels all the freedom, self-love, and power we muster after a breakup. "Ain't Thinkin' Bout You" is an upbeat, radiant tune that sees Bekka living it up in Malibu while she's happily moving past her ex. It's an empowering, punchy track that will get you moving your feet.

On the EP's outro track, "He'll Make Some Girl So Happy," Bekka Dowland embraces the breakup even further. She understands how this person made such a significant impact on her life, whether it was his eyes, words, or actions. And although it couldn't work for them, it can work with someone else. Bekka accepts that in a lush, easygoing listening experience that closes the album on a peaceful note.

Welcome to Buzz, Bekka! We're loving your new EP Failures & Fairytales. What's the story behind this collection of songs?

Thank you for having me back again! These songs are a collection of stories from my life. I enjoy writing about love and the many different feelings that come along with it. It was very cathartic for me to write them and release them. Some of these songs were written pre-pandemic, and it’s nice to finally be able to share them.

Failures & Fairytales seem to take listeners through different stages of love. Was it important for you to show this journey throughout the EP?

I wanted to share my personal experiences with love throughout these songs. It was important for me to showcase the different stages of love, including heartbreak, loss, happiness, etc. I wanted the listeners to be able to connect their own stories to these songs.

Which song from Failures & Fairytales is your personal favorite and why? What makes that song stand out to you?

This is such a hard question because I truly love all of these songs. Blood, sweat, and tears went into making this project. If I had to choose one, I’d probably go with “He’ll make some girl so happy.” The way the lyrics roll off the tongue and flow together scratches an itch in my brain. This song really stands out to me because it was inspired by a 30-second interaction I had with someone (who is now a good friend of mine). The lyrics and melody came to me so easily. I finished this song completely in about 20 minutes; it practically wrote itself.

What was your favorite part of making the entire EP, Failures & Fairytales? What moment or experience did you enjoy most?

I genuinely enjoy all parts of the creation process. It’s so fascinating to see a voice memo from my phone turn into a finished mixed and mastered product. I have to say, though, that there is nothing like time in the studio. I love hanging out with my sound engineer, Drew. He is such a fun and awesome guy; we clicked instantly the first time we worked together. My manager, EJ, truly is like family to me, and we always have the best time creating music. My entire team pours their hearts into my projects alongside me, which is more than I could ever ask for.

What impact do you hope to make on listeners with Failures & Fairytales? What was your goal in that respect?

I hope listeners can enjoy the raw emotion behind some of these songs and the sass. I really wanted to bring a well-rounded and diverse project to the table. If just one person can relate to any of these songs, then I’ve done my job. This is my first big project as a newer artist, so I hope to gain some new fans along the way.

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