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Bazerk Releases Their Expressive Hit “Everybody Wants A Piece Of Me”


Bazerk is an electrifying and extraordinary group who shocks the world with their massive sound and uniqueness! They create their own lane, and breaks down the boundaries! Critic has called them the new rage against the machine, and we can tell you this band will leave a lasting impression on you!

Bazerk released their single titled “Everybody Wants A Piece Of Me” and the introduction was a funky fusion of classic rock n roll with old school hip-hop. This blend was a way to display the unique artistry Bazerk possesses. The lyrics were real and intriguing, with a message behind it. Bazerk undergoes various genre transitions, In which I found to be super dope. The vocal belt in the hook showcased elements of Metal, and applied nice pressure to the passion of the song. “Everybody Wants A Piece Of Me” gives its listener the final major transition at 2:30, where everything becomes super badass and highly dynamic! The record goes nuts! The chaotic instrumenting from the electric guitar, the augmented and powerful vocals were so exhilarating for the song. The energy is just right in “Everybody Wants A Piece Of Me”, and we could only imagine how exciting the live performance of this track would be!

Listen to "Everybody Wants A Piece Of Me" here and get to know more about Bazerk below!

Hello Bazerk! It’s always pretty cool to hear about the background of a rising band, How did Bazerk form? Where did you guys meet?

Well i am like a Basketball coach always looking for the best players for my team Bazerk, So i went an fount the best players who could play my sound and also i like for people who has overdramatic personality, With that been said met up in Los Angeles and form the team Bazerk.

Tell us about your record “Everybody Wants A Piece Of Me”, what was the influence behind this

One Day i saw my favorite producer Rick Rubin eating on sunset so i double back and park my car, Said excuse me i dont mean to brother you while you eating but here is my demo please check it out shook his hand and left 5 years later he never call me ,That provoked to angry to prove a point to my self that when i become famous every body going want some thing from me,influence by linkn park i went and got a screamer to sing the hook

The lyrics in this record seems to have a strong substance behind it, what was the meaning

Haha Yep that is true,So we have playing and touring for years has we start getting more popular i have notice people are just starting to be just leaches , just hanging around you cause you becoming some body, i see them at al the major concerts but never come to our shows are by t-shirts But now i get phone calls and people want come to our shows now, Cause our single on radio and see our videos now they want a piece of us, so the message for them

What are some challenging aspects you face as a band and how did you overcome them.?

The main challenging we are having with any business is can you sell some units , We are over coming that by proving them naysayers wrong, By having our single climbing the charts solid out concerts collaborating with artist getting our songs in movies and video games , sport shows haha and back ground music in departments stores, So them executives shake their heads in dis believe

on how the hell did we do that, With out any corporate help

What’s next for you Bazerk?

Got album coming out Call Yall Famous For Nothing May 24 @Trip bar 2101 lincoln blvd 

Doing remix of Break Stuff with Limp Bizkit Tour 


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