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Bad Example Unpacks The Best Memories In His “Suitcase”

Writer's picture: BUZZ LABUZZ LA

Born in France, the new face in the Hip-hop Alt-pop scene, Bad Example makes room for changes as part of the journey that is life in his song “Suitcase.”

Bad Example is a 21 years old artist who collects his experiences of his time living in France, Switzerland, and England to write songs. He has spent a couple of years cooking his own sound and recently found new inspiration while traveling to reflect on his life. Now he is sharing it with the world.

The lyrics of “Suitcase” come from the hand and heart of Bad Example and has the fantastic production of Wolfgang Pander. Together they gave “Suitcase,” a nostalgic sound that opens a window to your memories so you can remember to “make space in life to allow yourself to grow,” as Bad Example said.

The distorted sound of the guitar creates a low-fi kind of ambiance that makes you travel through time. It is like reviving the best moments of your life. The instrumentals show up and make silence at the perfect moments to make “Suitcase” light and fun. You never get tired of listening to it again and again.

The voice of Bad Example is soft and chilling; it makes every word he sings fly smoothly into your ears to sing along with him. The lyrics are beautiful, and the chorus is catchy, “Suitcase” is the kind of song you would expect to enjoy in a concert, creating more exceptional moments with amazing people.

Do you remember that time when you finally managed to have a date with that special one? The laughs and dreams you shared open-hearted are invaluable. Life has changed, but those moments will always be in your “Suitcase." Go listen to "Suitcase" today, available on all streaming platforms.

Welcome to BuzzMusic Bad Example, and congratulations on your latest release, "Suitcase." What are the memories that inspired “Suitcase?"

I met a girl that I traveled with for some time in Cambodia and had a great time; ultimately, it had to end, and accepting that while we were in similar places whilst over there, we were at different places in our lives back home was really tough. It’s about coming to terms with that change and that regardless of what I wish, that is the reality.

How have your trips around the world influenced your music?

I don’t think my music and songwriting have matured enough yet for me to truly capitalize on the opportunities I’ve had to see other cultures and lifestyles in what comes out in the music. For me, at the moment, it’s always a great way to take a moment away from the music so that I’m more ready than ever to create when I get the opportunity again.

What was your main purpose in writing “Suitcase?"

Mostly for selfish reasons, to be honest, after traveling, I had so much in my mind in terms of relationships and where I am in my life in general, and I really needed to have a way of processing that; the suitcase was one of those ways.

What are those big changes that you are making space for?

Moving on and growing up. Traveling definitely put me in some situations that, in hindsight, I could have handled better, but that’s led to me reflecting and growing up, so those changes are things I felt I needed to make to become a better me.

What's next for you?

Loads more music; I want to continue to write until I find a genre that I feel really comfortable in, then get really good at that, and then once I’m too comfortable, take on the challenge of some different music. I’ve also recently performed live for the first time, and that’s something I want to do a lot more of, so more if that would be awesome.

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