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Austin Ward's Stunning Melodic Sound Is Back With Single "Find the Feeling"

Today we showcase LA-based singer/songwriter Austin Ward and his latest musical offerings. For those of you who know the artistic persona of Austin Ward, you'll know that he's incredibly authentic in the way he manifests his sound. You'd also know that his primary sound is full of his genuine thoughts, always backed with a tranquil melody. Of course, there are moments when Austin Ward changes it up with his sound, but for the most part, you can expect to feel captivated by the innocence that comes along with Austin Ward's voice, and probably hypnotized by the curative rhythms. We feel ultimately free with the music of Austin Ward, feel like we can attain and experience anything.

Austin Ward brings more and more charm to each and every song he releases. His latest offering, "Find the Feeling" brings a certain kind of magic to his usual sounding, and takes listeners on an introspective journey full of reflection. Austin Ward has always been an artist that comes off as very natural and collected. "Find the Feeling" displays these qualities intrinsic to Austin Ward's sound, and he ultimately has the power of making listeners feel a sense of calamity. For us, we found it particularly easy to get lost within "Find the Feeling". The electronic presence within the track is what ultimately elevated it for us. There wasn't one part in the track where we felt our attention wasn't attracted, and we can confidently say that it stems from the nonchalant and easygoing flow Austin Ward possesses. For the future, we're interested to see how he's able to extend and grow his emotionally stirring sound.

Listen to "Find the Feeling" by Austin Ward, here.

Welcome back, Austin Ward! We're excited that you're able to chat about your artistry, and especially about your latest single release "Find the Feeling"! Compared to other singles you've released in the past, how do you feel that "Find the Feeling" compares to your earlier work?

The pleasure is mine. I'm really excited by and proud of this record. I've been releasing music for roughly two years now, and my biggest learning to date is the simple, yet powerful sentiment that music is life, and life is music. Finding one's voice is an ever-evolving process that undoubtedly correlates to experience, both in and out of the studio. "Find the Feeling" pairs elements of honest folk-based songwriting with a modern production feel and elements of psychedelia. It's a powerful intersection that I think my voice complements. I hope others are able to find their own story/reality in this one.

There was a very intimate quality to "Find the Feeling". The song captured such an emotional bond, and it was incredibly heartwarming to listen along to. Are you able to tell our readers more about the emotionality behind the song, and what it internally felt like for you to create it?

"Find the Feeling" confronts longing for the first time you felt inspired. There is nothing more powerful than that moment -- when one experiences pure passion and elation for a craft. As we grow up and become more vested in our respective fields/career paths, it's not always easy to tap into that initial spark, that serendipity. This song speaks to that inherent conflict/frustration and serves as an escape and/or catalyst to counteract it.

As an LA-based artist, how do you feel you've found yourself artistically amongst the many music stylings present within the city?

I think I'm starting to settle into a cool niche for myself, harkening to the days of anthemic, musical alternative records a la Ben Howard, Coldplay, Snow Patrol, War on Drugs, etc. My live set is a strength, delivering high-energy sets with a 4-piece band showcasing very legitimate musicianship. The records and live sound are slowly but surely starting sit in the same world. That's when you know you're moving in the right direction :) so much learning happens on stage that can be applied to the studio. 

What was your main intention with the release of "Find the Feeling"? Specifically, how did you want your listeners to feel and what did you ultimately want them to take away from the content of the song?

I wanted it to feel like a deep breath. A chance for listeners to feel less alone in experiencing these sensations of wishing for "better days"... a nostalgia overdose. I love how delicately the track begins and how dynamically it expands. There's a feeling of release I think we captured with this one that's really special... I hope others are able to tap into it. I have to shout-out my co-production partner Brock Westover for helping me bring this vision to life.

Will you be releasing a music video for "Find the Feeling"?

Soon :) worked with the legendary freenjoy for this one. Directed by the man Strack Azar... we both have Mississippi roots which I love. We're in the final stages of coloring now. Video dropping by end of the month. Keep your eyes out.



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