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AJ La Joya Prefers Transparency In His Latest Bop, “Don’t Lie”

A Cali kid through and through, AJ La Joya has always had an ear for music, being surrounded by it his entire life. Exploring the genres of jazz, R&B, and 90’s hip-hop, this musical foundation would give him what he needed to venture through his original creations and exercise his artistic freedom to discover his sound unapologetically.

Continuing to forge his path in the industry, AJ La Joya freely blends fresh raps with charismatic singing throughout his music as he dynamically surprises his listeners with each track released.

Taking upbeat, Pop-infused instrumentation and blessing it with his buttery croons, AJ La Joya has us submerged in everything that is his newest release, “Don’t Lie.” The enticing hi-hats trickle into the tempo and carve out a danceable melody that has you bobbing your head to the beat as you find your way out of your chair. Infectious with the trance-like energy to come from this single, AJ La Joya has a knack for creating these larger-than-life atmospheres fueled by his emotions.

Whether that be the themes of love turning south as the truth is unraveled in this sonic letter to the one doing him wrong, AJ La Joya ensures that his sonic creations leap towards you and make you part of the effervescent soundscape present.

Through the various harmonies that texturize his vocal performance, we get to hear the sweet croons of AJ La Joya in the hook, right before his daring verses introduce you to a more mellow side of his authenticity.

Wrapping us up in the middle of a storyline that speaks to organized chaos, AJ La Joya is well put together and flourishing in the illuminating limelight that glistens upon him. Take “Don’t Lie” as an exhibit of AJ La Joya not warrant the type of behavior that will only corrode the evolution of love.

It's always a pleasure when we get to chat with you, AJ La Joya. We love your latest track, "Don't Lie." Is this song based on a real-life experience? What was the breaking point to make you craft a piece out of this narrative?

Likewise, and thank you! "Don't Lie" is loosely based on personal experience, but to be honest, I started humming the chorus and just ran with that theme. Nine times out of ten, people never say what they mean, especially in relationships. Just say what you mean in the first place! It'll save a lot of time because the truth always finds a way to come to the surface.

Do you find that "Don't Lie" is an excellent representation of your artistry as a whole? What does this song say about you apart from the music?

I'd say this song continues to showcase my evolution as an artist. Compared to the stuff I dropped in 2020, my newer material is much better cohesive. I'm finding what works best with my voice and embracing certain quirks about it. But I feel like that's the way things should be. As an artist, you should constantly evolve with each new release, and I'm doing that. I'm an adventurous person that is always looking to try new things, and this naturally extends to the type of music I make. I like to have fun in everything I do.

When talking about your previous release of 'Make It Happen,' you mentioned spending more time on the song during the recording process. Is that a similar formula that you followed when bringing "Don't Lie" to life?

Before "Make It Happen," I would go with the first thing I could think of lyrically. Nowadays, I choose to be more deliberate with my words and wordplay. My pen has gotten more robust, so I have an easier time writing. For "Don't Lie," the verses came very easily for me, but I spent more time on the hook (I was going back and forth between two versions). Once I nailed down the lyrics, this was probably the easiest song I've had to record. It only took 1-2 takes to deliver it how I had envisioned. I take it as a sign that I'm getting more comfortable with who I am as an artist.

What has been your biggest takeaway from the release of "Don't Lie?"

My biggest takeaway from this release is not to overthink things. Don't get in your head too much, and just have fun with it.

What's next for you?

I'm planning on dropping another song in December with a music video to accompany it. I'm also recording more music for next year. There's this song I'm dropping in early 2022 that I produced. It'll be the first time the world will hear an AJ La Joya-produced track! I can't wait.


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