BUZZMUSIC was born out of rebellion—against the system, against gatekeeping, against the idea that only a select few get to control the narrative of music. It started with two best friends, misfits who found solace in the emo and punk music scenes, where lyrics spoke louder than authority, and community was built through raw, unfiltered self-expression. What began as a passion for music quickly evolved into something bigger: a movement dedicated to amplifying the voices of independent artists and entrepreneurs who refuse to conform to industry norms.
We don’t just write about music—we tell the stories of the people behind it. The ones who were overlooked, underestimated and told they wouldn’t make it. The ones who fought for their place and carved out their own lane. BUZZMUSIC is more than a platform—it’s a home for the misunderstood, the dreamers, the risk-takers, and the creatives who refuse to be boxed in. We exist to challenge the status quo, to celebrate those who are rewriting the rules, and to prove that music is most powerful when it’s in the hands of those who live and breathe it.